A letter was received from AFSW (Review of Standard Form 1080, 4
March 1954) requesting that all docunentsfor supplies issued to Task Group
7.2, or similar units, be checked for propriety of reimbursement action.
In addition, all billings from TG 7.2 were to be verified prior to submission to AFSWC,

A letter was transmitted to TG 7.2 requesting all

billings for supplies issued to Air Force units be submitted to TG 7.4
so the required verification could be accomplished.

The Test Support

Unit was directed by letter to accumulate all issue forms and forward
them to TG 7.4, monthly.
Transfer of Personnel:

On 17 March it was decided to return S. _
Clerk, to AFSWC with the Task Group files and records.
then be maintained at Kirtland.

it, Fiscal
These records would

This move helped relieve critical office

and living quarters space,
Unit cormanders and staff directors were contacted for an estimate
of the number of man~hours exnended by their versonnel in completing the

workload during January and February.

The regular work-week for Air Force

personnel was 50 hours, except for the augmentation personnel to Task Croup

7.2, who were working 41 hours per week.

Overtime during this period

totalled 68,500 man-hours, which brought the overall Air Force averag2 to

60 hours per man, per eck.

Personnel in the Graphics Division ‘ore the

only ones within the Comptroller Division required to work overtime.


balance of the Comptroller personnel had only a tceken amount of work to

Fund Requirements FY 1955 and 1956:
The Comptroller received a letter from AFSWC cirecting cemrliance



Ltr to TSU, 27 Feb 54.



Select target paragraph3