the requirements for these items and the question of funding should be

forwarded to JTF SEVEN for final solution.

Funds for the use of the 4930th during the interim should be

allotted to AFSWC since there would also be fund requirements by AFSWC
for the planning phase of future tcsts.

Pacific Area Map:
At the request of

a map of the Pacific area (91" X

162") was mounted on a panel of plywood and placed on the wall of the

Confercnece Roor by a member of the JTF SZVEN Comptrcller Division.


projcct was completed on 22 March.
Rated Officers' Flying Fay:

‘, J-3 Division of Task Group 7.1, telcproned Major
and requested information on procedvres to be following in xllowing rated officers of TG 7.1 to receive flying pay withcut mecting the
minimum flying requirements, duc to the fact that it was impracticabl>
for them to porticipate in flights cuc to their mission.

A research of

regulations was made and a change contained in a THX from AFSC to the
4930th held the nectssary information.

Headquarters, Task Grovp 7.4, t-4

not received a copy of this teletype, however.

Followi-g the atcuv>

conversaticn, a letter was forwardcd to 7.4 from 7.1 (Minimem Vlighe f-

quirements, 9 Narch 1954) making the verbal request official.

The letter

was given to the Director of Operations for necessary action.

Cn 26 etch

1954 a letter to TG 7.1 was forwarded in answer to their request, statins

that AF personnel world not be excused from meoting AF Recsulation 40-2

It was asecrtained that sufficient aircraft tire was wsil-

able to suprort the AFR 60~2 roquiroments if rroprrly utilized.


Standard Form 1C80:

41. Ltr fr Hq T@ 7.1, File 4894, dtd 9 Yar 54.
42, Ltr te Hq 7G 7.2, file 210.49, dtd 26 Mar 54,



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