
Letter tc .

23 March 1954

Each day, Weather Central here gives me the same briefings as

are given to you, except projected one day further, While you, on any D-2
morning, are considering the weather for D-D, I am studying the weather

for D-day and D/l. If the trends look unfavorable for D as well as Drl,
I decide that I am then in D-3 day and announce this to my comerders,
They can then fly their aircraft and still have two days for inspection

and maintenance,

If D and D4l look favorable, then of course the

aircraft are not flowne

While the above procedvre permits me to do the best possible job of

keeving our aircraft in a quality maintenance condition, it has the dis-

advantage of placing me in a somewhat awkward situation in the event of a

rapid unforecasted change in the weather. So for my guesses have becn
corzect byt the possibility of a miss always exists. Should such a
rapid change occur after I have made such a decisiom as above, it is
probable that 100 percent of my aircraft cannot be made available, None

the less, in my estimation this is a risk which must oe accepted if we

are to be certain of having the truly critical aircraft in a position to
complete the cesired missions,
From my discussions with


, it seems arparant

that the B-36 Samplers are the most criticel aircraft in the Task Group.
It apnears to be their opinion that thcy would be willing to fire in

weather which weuld preclude obtaining F~34 samples but in which we wou'a
be relatively certain of obtaining B-35 samples,

At the sane time, now -

ever, the RB-36 Control aircraft is also critical if we are to have the

Sample Direction Team in the air locking for ony possibility undee waic:

F-84 samples might be obtained,

Consequently, to meet the pecuriar conditions of this period 5 -

prolonged delay, I have placed priority for naintenance of wy atecorate
as follows:

First Priority - Two (2) B26 Semrlers
One (1) B-35 Samoler Control

Second Priority - T-@4 Senplcers
Reseue Airerart
One (1) G34 Thotorravric Varer
G47 InterAral Aurliie fh cet



Third Priority - All othe aizcra! s



TAD Ll. ib

Select target paragraph3