
APO 187, c/o Postmaster

San Francisco, California



23 March 1954

Joint Task Force SEVEN

APO 187 (HOW), c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California

Dear Lt

A fact clearly understood by all airmen is that aircmft which sit

on the ground for extensive periods collect serious maintenance deficiencies

with an increasing possibility of an abort on the next flight the longer

the period the aircraft remain grounded,

This well known pitinwips.e may

not be quite so obvious to those unaccustomed to maintaining ana onerating


I will therefore explain that the reasons for this deteriora-

tion in maintenance condition lie in such difficulties as drying up of
various neoprene seals in numerous hydraulic lines, corrosion of metal

surfaces which must move past one another with close tolerances, sticking
valves caused hy precipitation of sediment in the valves or by lack of

the lubricating action of the fluid which normally flows through the valve
and seepage of moisture and/or corrosion into numerous electrical circuits
and devices, Frequent flight eliminates the cause of these conditions

since all of the various systems of the aircraft are overated, thereby
expanding seals, lubricating the close tolerance surfaces and the valves,
and heating the electrical circuits, thus preventing the accumulation of
moisture, It is possible, by operating the aircraft on the ground, to~activate a considerable number of these systems but unfortunately, the
remainder can be activated only in flight.

As examples of these conditions, on our flights yesterday, when we

exercised all of our aircraft, the landing gear would not retract on two
B-34's and numerous F-84's had tip and pylon tanks which would not feed

due to stuck valves.

In order to counteract this serious deterioration of maintenance in
this prolonged period of relative inactivity of our critical aircraft, I

am taking the risk of flying our aircraft frequently.
proc:ss is as follows:

TAB NO. 16







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