Programriing Plan 2-5/,, "Info for Proj Participants " , dtd 6 “ar 54.
d. Assure that transportation is available as arranged and stand
by from mission day minus three until aftcr mission day to rearrange transportetion if requircd duc to a change of schedule.


Accept changes in the schedule only from the Dircctor of

Oparntions, Protocol, or the Hcadquarters Com and


The Cor:andcr or Deputy Commander will:

Uvon reecint of the list of Project Participants, contact

anvrovriate ageney in JTF SEVEN to ascertain which of the Q cleared sconle
will be allowed access to cxclusion areas on DLER on a “necd to lmow" basis.

This information will then be given to Protocol and to Dircctor of Operations.


Prepare and give a bricfing to the Project Participants as

This will normally be approximately 1400 hours on mission

day minus three,

It will be given to both Scnior Project Participants

from ELLER and the Project Particinants at the samc time and will be
tailorca to fit the "need to know" of the peopl. involved.

c, Notify Dircctor of Oncrations of those participants who will —
require airlift on assigned aircraft on mission. day.


The Personnel Sceurity Officer will:



Upon rceciving the list of project persom:cl fro: Protocol,


When recciving the list from Protocol, of the Praject

check the official list and process clearance cards for samc.

Participants who may join the Official Cbservers at ELIER in the tour of

exclusion areca, make arrangements with Sccurity at NLR to card and

ready badge said personm-:1,
from DMA for these ncople,.

This may include obtaining dircet permiscion


Prepare and distribute proper clearance badges to the


Coordinate with JTF SEViN personnel to assure proper badges


Notify Protocol by Disnosition Form when the Security portion

participants as shown in the schedule »repared by Director of Opcrations
are available for Senior Project Participants ween their arrivol at FRED,

of this plan is ready.

The -djutant will:

a. Distribute the Project Participant list and the Project Particinant schcdule, when rcecived from Protocol and Dircctor of Opcrations,
as follows:


Select target paragraph3