Programing Plan 2-54, "Info for Projedt Participants", dtd 6 Mar 54

f. Hake’ all arrangements with Test sunnort Unit for H-19 or
L~13 airlift required for lift between Elmer and FRED and for lift
required inpursuit of the participants schedule,
~ “ge Inform Protocol when the above arrangements have becn made
and substance of the arrangements,


Arrange for sctting up bricfings and tours not othcrwise the

rcsmonsibility of 4 staff agency of the headquarters as defined herein.

Be resnonsible to designate individuals to give bricfings or tours and
will be responsible to assure thc bricfings are conducted properly.

Assuro céordination. At FRED of Official Observer tour,


Assure that the Senior Project Participants visit IMED for


Assure that Protocol is informed at all timcs as to the

1400 bricfing on mission day minus three is cecrdinated with JIF SEVEN.

status of arrangements made as rcgards bricfing of, or tours for participant:
1. Coordinate original planning of schcdule with Protocol to.
obtain protocol list of personnel to be in charge of participants fran

place to place and from time to timo.

: be

mM. issurc that Base Operations, the 0C, and the MiTS Terminal
are bricfod on advising the TG 7.4 (djutant upon the arrival of any

Broject Participants.

accept full resnonsibility in assuring that the Senior Con-

troller in the CIC is positively and complctely bricfed, by mcans to
include mimcographed pattcras, on actions to be taken by aircraft before

H-hour and for fiftcen(15) minutes after H-hour.

required for al? VIKING aircraft,

This is particularly

The Dircector of ‘atcrial will:


Arrange for all transvortation other than air in accordance

with the schcdule for participants provided by the Dircctor of Opcrations.
b. Make arrangencnts with subordinaic agencics for clothing to
be provided the Project Participants during thcir stzy,


Inform Protocol by Disnosition Form when arrangercnts nave

been mace in accordance with the schcdule,

This report must be available

prior to closing hours on iwssion day munis four.


Select target paragraph3