“It was brouwvht out that thore would only be 21 C-54 flishts in tho
nenth of “¢pril,

This cid not socr: acoquat..

However, the C-97 flyaways

orriving prior to cach shot breucht all the carzo and neil available.
The USS LEO was schedule’ te copert Ocklané on 3 April and arrive

at Eniwctok approxinately 15 April.

Onklend NAS was planning to ship

six L-20 cirereft for Task Group 7.4, to replace the L-13's already in
The Matericl Roll-up Plan was xpproved and returned from JTF SEVEN
on 29 March.

It was sent to Task Group 7,2 for thcir approval and/or

Upon rcturn it was to be incluicd in the Task Group 7.4 Opcra-

tions Order as an anncx.
WOJG MeCready ceipleted a scpia cn the Redeploynent Chart on 30 ~


Ton copies wero reproduced in order that JTF SEVEN, Task Group ~

7.2 and perscnnel concerne? iisht have copies fer their use,
The repainting of vehicles was being coripleted at the rate of two

a day.

fs of 30 March, 16 of the 31 jecps had been repaintel.


the completion cf the jecps, work was tc start on the throec-querter tcn
The MATS Terrinel reccived = message on 31 March frer. COMLSDIWIVLS

increasing the April oirlift with approximately five C-97 fli:chts.



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