
Trip Report, Enewetak and JA, Dec 78

11 Dec 78


The scheduled discussion of coconut plunting alternatives was cancelled.

This is still an unresolved issue involving numerous complex factors.

It will be

addressed later.


The first briefing after supper concerned demobilization plans.

The most

significant part of that briefing/discussion was that Admiral Monroe had thought

that 15 April was the "final date." Instead, he learned that personnel will be at
Enewetak until 1 Jun 80 with the rollup phase. After 15 Apr 80, there will be no

DOD people on the atoll except for one Field Command representative who will stay
until 1 June. The H&N Base Camp will retain about 45 people, who will be gradually
phased down in number to zero on 1 Jun 80.
(2) Admiral Monroe was concerned with the cost of the rollup phase. This was
later provided by COL Hemler as $450,000. Additional details are in TAB Q.

The Director, DNA, cautioned that we must make sure we have enough opportune

sealift. He wanted to make sure that cubic feet have been counted and every item
identified to go on each ship. He commented that it took four years to get all
the equipment here, and he was concerned that we will be able to get it all off.

A JTG Fact Sheet concerning Demobilization Preparations is at TAB G.


The update briefing on the Aomon Crypt revealed that the core sampling

drilling is proceeding at about 70 linear feet per day. This equates to several
holes per day, dependent upon depth. A 4S-ton crane with a 1.5 cubic foot clam-

shell will perform the actual excavation. (The clamshell is on the barge enroute
to Enewetak.) The JTG estimates an excavation of 8000 cubic yards if a "saucer"'

shape is removed (the original tidal pond), and about 16,000 cubic yards if sheet-

pile containment is used.

It was indicated that personnel present at the time said

a witness (nicknamed German")

said a clamshell was used to do some digging prior

to placing steel/debris in the crypt. Additional data concerning the current
status of Aomon Crypt operations is at TAB H.

The Boken/Enjebi Subsurface Excision/Cleanup briefing indicated that 1406

cubic yards of subsurface soil must be removed from Boken.

on Boken where subsurface contamination exceeds 160 pCi/gm.

There are three areas

The excision will

take about two weeks, and will start the second or third week in December. On
Enjebi, a total of 1307 cubic yards of subsurface contamination must be removed.

It was scheduled to start S Dec 78.

Additional data concerning subsurface con-

tamination on Boken and Enjebi is at TAB I.


The main point of interest in the briefing/discussion of the Enjebi Hilton

and other slab/wall contamination was that the Master Index can be modified if

recommended by the CJTG and coordinated with the TTPI representative.


Monroe wants to be informed when action taken on foundations is different from

that specified in the Master Index.

The Enjebi Hilton contamination will be

chipped to about 1/4” (about 150 square yards of surface) and covered with two

Select target paragraph3