
Trip Report, Enewetak and JA, Dec 78

11 Dec 78

It was also pointed out during this briefing that any time there
feet of soil.
is a hint of beryllium contamination, the Director wants to be notified. He also

wants it given priority treatment.

The air sampling for beryllium program on

Enjebi is scheduled to start mid-Jan 79.

air sampling is at TAB J.

Additional data concerning beryllium

Cactus Crater Plans included a discussion of thecrater dome, which is

expected to be 25 feet tall, with a radius of 185 feet.

Three bags of cement per

cubic yard are being used in the tremie operation, whereas two bags of cement

‘per cubic yard will be used in the soil-cement mixture within the dome.


concrete uses six bags of concrete per cubic yard. This led the Director to ask:
"How long will the crater last?" Also, during the soil-cement operation, the JTG
will need two disc harrows (one is a spare) and a power screed. The JTG prefers

that the disc harrows be purchased in Hawaii so they can get spare parts. With
about 48,600 bags of cement on the December barge, availability of cement does not
appear to be a problem. Additional data concerning the current status of cement
and attapulgite as provided by the JTG J-4 is at TAB K.


Tuesday, S December was devoted to a tour of Runit, Lojwa, Bijire, Aomon,

Enjebi, and Boken by the Director and other key personnel. Since there was wot
room for everyone on the helicopters, COL Hemler and I rode an LCN-8 to Lojwa,

From where we were able to visit the Aomon Crypt; the Kickapoo area; and the Pace
Crater. We also visited the maintenance shop at Lojwa and again received information to the effect that the bottleneck in maintenance was a lack of repair parts.

a. While at the Aomon Crypt, we received a briefing concerning the core
drilling equipment and operations. Also learned that the three personnel from
the Mobile Engineer District are still persisting in their desire to go home for
I explained directly to them why this was absolutely not possible.

Every day is critical on the Aomon Crypt operation. I will follow through on
this problem directly with the Mobile Engineer District.

From Lojwa we rode a Boston Whaler to intercept an LCU which was proceed-

ing from Enjebi to Runit with a load of contaminated soil. While at Runit we
visited the Cactus Crater. Was briefed by an Air Force EOM technician concerning

a potential explosive safety problem with old projectiles/mines which are sometimes
found in the contaminated soil transported to Runit. Later discussed it with the
Comdr, 84th Engr Bn and the Comdr, JTG.

All personnel at Runit are again being

instructed to stop any operation immediately in which explosive ordnance is

discovered, and call EOD.


From Runit we rode an LCM-8 to Enewetak.

The evening of 5 Dec was devoted to a series of briefings/discussions.

The first briefing was a Health Physics update.

The topics discussed were Nuclear

Radiation Safety; Air Sampling Program; Lab Analysis; Personnel Air Samples;
Dosimetry Program; and the Urinalysis Program.

Select target paragraph3