
ll Dec 78


Trip Report, Enewetak and JA, Dec 78

The Aomon Crypt magnetometer survey results were briefly summarized, to

include the fact that metal was detected outside the crypt boundaries.

The core

Laboratory analysis results of the samples have not
sampling is progressing well.
been received, but IMP recordings so far have not exceeded 400 pCi/gm. The depth

of the drillings has ranged from 7-8 feet to 30 feet. A question concerning the
laying of drain slabs was answered to the effect that the excavation concept does
not require drain slabs until we reach the end of the crypt. The excavated soil

will be placed within the crypt boundary.

c. The next briefing addressed debris removal. This was described by LTC Prall
as a ''real success story.'' Twenty-one islands have been turned over since 20 Jun 78,

in addition to 14 islands which had been cleaned and accepted
A total of 35 of the 40 islands has been accepted. The goal
debris "larger than a man's hand." The remaining islands are
Medren; and Enewetak. Data concerning the current status and
dates of these five islands is at TAB E.

prior to that time.
is to remove all
Enjebi; Lojwa; Runit;
expected completion

There was some discussion concerning the

amount of contaminated versus uncontaminated debris as addressed in the OPLAN. A
summary of how much debris of each type which has been removed versus the amount
estimated in the Environmental Impact Statement is at TAB F. A question was asked
concerning the split between DOD and DOI on removal of noncontaminated debris. The
answer was that the Master Index is used. It was also asked: "Will you continue

removing debris on Medren while DOI is working?"


"Yes, we have the LARCs."

It was commented that the big issue in demobilization is the availability of opportune

During the summary of the cleanup operations, both soil and debris removal,
it was stated that 31 of 40 islands will meet 40 pCi/gm or less; 4 islands will meet
80 pCi/gm or less; and the remainder will meet the 160 pCi/gm criteria. This was

an impressive summary statement, and vividly illustrated the amount of work which

has been done and the progress made.

Two-thirds of the soil has been hauled by

Mr. Chuck Nelson then gave a short briefing on rehabilitation operations.

He said the people can see the homes being built and are impressed and thankful.

The contractor, AIC, has 70 employees, of which 35 are Marshallese.

involved in construction of houses and the pier at Medren.

They are

Thirty-one homes will

be built at Medren; 8 on Japtan; and 78 on Enewetak, for a total of 117 homes.

Medren and Japtan are expected to be completed by May 79.

In addition, coconut

nurseries have been established at Enewetak (11,000 seedlings) and Medren (19,000


Ujelang has a nursery for 1100 breadfruits.

The briefings were followed by a tour of Enewetak, Medren, and the South-

west Islands, with a stop at Ikuren (Glenn). A visit to 84th Engineer Bn maintenance facilities revealed a lot of deadlined equipment and elicited the statement from CW3 Russel that "We need repair parts." The tour of Enewetak included a walk
through the homes under construction,

progress in cleanup of that island,

The tour of Medren illustrated tremendous

Ikuren was heavily overgrown with trees and

underbrush, which confirmed that planting coconuts there would require a major
engineering effort.

Select target paragraph3