
lie stawdard deviation was in general 30% of the mean value for all age

and sex subgroup distributions.

This less pronounced variation may be due to

the fact that On measurements took place over a three year interval while 90.
and 13705 occurred over a 23 year interval and thus was contained in a more
homogeneous population than were the longer lived nuclides.
Figures 22 and 23a and 23b summarize the 905, dose equivalent results for
individuals at Rongelap.
In this analysis only the ingestion pathway was considered important.


though some radioactivity would enter the body via resuspension and direct inhalation pathways,

it is known that the ratios of food and fluid intake to blood

relative to airborne intake to blood, for the stable naturally occurring analogs
to the radionuclides considered here,

are as follows:

Co > 3000

zn > 130



Sr > 10,000




Select target paragraph3