
in the tigure nor were they included in any dosimetric distributions for any of
the rucitides.

Thus all persons considered, regardless of initial age in 1957,

experienced a 23 year exposure interval.
Figure 19 shows dose equivalent distributions according to age and sex for
1376, auong the Rongelapese.

The shape or the population distribution was

Pois:on with a mean of 1.7 Rem and a maximum of 9.0 Rem.
5.3 times the mean value for 1376, on Rongelap.

Thus the maximum was

An examination of the subgroup

distiibutions reveals that persons who were infants at the time of rehabitation
at Ronge lap also were the recipients of the higher doses.

This was due to the

combined effects of lower averaye body mass, a higher average ingestion rate and
more rapid turnover of 13706 than that for adults or even children.

The parame-

ter having the greatest impact on the infant dose equivalent was body mass.


standard deviation for the adult males distribution was 49% of the mean dose
equivalent, for adult females 43% of the mean dose equivalent, and for adolescents 47%.

Within a subgroup, the maximum observed dose equivalent was approxi-

mately twice the mean value for all distributions considered here.
Figure 20 evinces mean dose equivalents as a function of returning age
groups for 6520 on Rongelap.

Adolescents, young adults and adults 50 and up

were the groups receiving lower total dose equivalents, while children and middle aged persons received higher dose equivalents during the residence interval.
Measured 0 on data for persons who were infants at the return date were not
reported in the publications by Conard, et al.
Figure 21 shows the dosimetric distributions observed for members of the

Rongelap population for O>on,

Again the population overall exhibited a Poisson

distribution of dose with a maximum value nearly three times the mean.


demonstrated higher doses than persons who were adults during the entire 23 year

Select target paragraph3