one source of dietary bromine, seaweed, is not normally a part of the Marshallese


Essential and nonessential trace elements are often distinguishable by normal
and log-normal concentration distributions, respectively (9). A normaldistribution for bromine was found for both the New Yorkers and the Marshallese, in that
the means of each of the three groups’ values were similar to their respective

median values. Similar findings have been reported from Scotland (8). However,

prolonged exposure to absorbed trace elements can result in elevated but stable

tissue levels and a normal distribution (9).

A strong correlation between serum and red cell Br levels (P < 0.01) was

noted, a finding also reported by Stumpe7al. (5). This correlation was observed

for the combined data from all 30 subjects, but was not found within any ofthe
three subgroups (see Table 2). More than simple diffusion may be involved in
bromine partition in vivo because the red cell to serum Br ratio of the Marshallese
was more than twice that of the New Yorkers (Table 2). These data are not predicted by in vivo Br tracer studies. Gamble er al. (17) noted that, following the

intravenousinjection of NH,®Br in man, equilibrium between plasma andredcell

Br was reached within one hour. Thered cell to serum Br ratio they reported was
0.54, a value similar to that found in the Marshallese (Table 2). The low ratio

found in the New Yorkers may therefore indicate a nonlinear relation between
serum and red cell Br at lowerlevels.

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