-15the Trust Territory during

the Trusteeship,

will continue

in force

and be applied by the United States in the exercise of its
security and defense role in the FAS.
In addition, the United
States retains the authority to extend to the FAS any security or
defense agreements or treaties it may determine to be applicable,
after appropriate consultation with the FAS governments.
arrangement is necessary in light of United States treaty
obligations in the region.
Article IV,

Service in the Armed Forces

Section 341 and 342.
FAS citizens will be entitled under these
sections to serve voluntarily in the armed forces of the United
States, but cannot involuntarily be inducted into such service
unless habitual residence in the United States is established.
addition, upon nomination by their governments and qualification,
FAS citizens will be enrolled in the United States Coast Guard
Academy and in the United States Merchant Marine Academy.
service and training available in the armed forces and the
designated academies will provide educational opportunities not
available in the FAS.
Article V,

General Provisions

Section 351.
Under this section, two bilateral Joint Committees
are established for the purpose of resolving disputes arising from
implementation of Title Three and the separate agreements

concluded pursuant to sections within Title Three.
The senior
United States military commander in the Pacific will represent the
United States on each committee, and the FAS will designate
appropriate senior officials as representatives.
The purpose of
the Joint Committee is to provide a forum for consultation
regarding issues related to Title Three.
Any matter which the
Committee cannot resolve is referred back to the governments
concerned for resolution.
The FAS concerned may also raise the
matter with the Secretary of Defense, if desired.
It is
contemplated that the Joint Committee system will enable the FAS
and the United States to consult, and by consensus resolve
problems arising under Title Three.

Section 352.

This section contains a U.S. assurance that in |

fulfilling its security and defense role, and in making the

specific determinations incident to its authority under Title
Three of the Compact, the United States will accord due respect to

the authority and responbility as defined in the Compact.

Section 353.
This section addresses FAS concerns arising in large
part from the experience of World War II.
Under this provision,
the United States agrees not to include the FAS in a formal

declaration of war without the consent of their governments.

In the absence of FAS consent to be named as parties in a

Geclaration of war, this section preserves claims of FAS citizens

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