-16arising from armed conflict incident to belligerence or war.
Claims will be preserved under this provision which are in the
form of petitions for redress to the Government of the United
States, and in the case of third countries all types of claims
Where FAS citizens petition
will be unimpaired by this section.
the United States for redress under this section, their claims

will be treated as if they were the claims of United States

Under subsection (a) of this section, the provisions
Section 354.
of Title Three will survive and apply for a period of fifteen
years in the Marshall Islands and the FSM, even if the Compact is
unilaterally terminated earlier by any signatory government.
other words, the security and defense relationship established by
Title Three will continue as agreed upon even if the political
Only by mutual
relationship of free association is terminated.
agreement to terminate or amend Title Three can the security and
defense relationship be altered.
In conjunction with Articles IV and V of Title Four (which
provide for continuation of certain Compact sections, including
economic assistance, in the event of Compact termination),
subsection (a) represents United States and FAS agreement that
their mutual interests will be served by maintaining, for an
agreed minimum period, the security, defense and economic stability provided for in the Compact even if the free association
relationship is terminated.
Subsection (b) provides that even if Title Three were to
expire or be terminated, the United States will provide protection
to the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of Micronesia for
the period in which separate agreements concluded pursuant to
Sections 321 and 323 are in effect.
Under those separate agreements, the military use and operating rights of the United States
(except those with the FSM) as well as U.S. authority to deny
third country military access, have a duration which exceeds the
initial term of the Compact (see analysis of Section 454) and the
defense guarantee by the United States set forth in this provision
will continue, consequently, for those longer periods.
United States commitment requires that a threat to the peace and

security of the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of


Micronesia be treated as a threat to the peace and security of the
entire region and a danger to the United States.
In the face of
such a threat, the United States would take action to meet that

danger in accordance with its constitutional processes.
Article I, Approval and Effective Date
Sections 411-412.

.Under these sections there

is established a


Select target paragraph3