
Section 316.

This section prohibits assignment or transfer of

United States authority and responsibility for security and

defense of the FAS to another country.

Article II, Defense Facilities and Operating Rights
Section 321.
This section provides for separate agreements to be
concluded between the United States and the FAS for the
establishment and use of military areas and faciltiies of the
United States in the FAS in connection with United States security
and defense authority and responsibility.

This section also sets

forth the framework for agreement between the United States
the FAS for additional military areas and facilities should
be required in the future, and acknowledges that the United
will seek minimum areas necessary to carry out its security
defense responsiblities.


Section 322.
In connection with its security and defense
activities, the United States will provide and maintain certain
fixed and floating aids to navigation in the FAS.
This activity
will also promote civilian shipping in the islands, which will
continue to benefit from U.S. Coast Guard assistance with
navigational aids.
Section 323.
Pursuant to this section, the United States and the
FAS have concluded comprehensive agreements on military use and
operating rights (MUORA) and status of forces (SOFA).

agreements are modeled on similar arrangements the United States

has entered

into with other countries.

Bilateral MUORAS have been

concluded with each of the member states of the FAS addressing the
specific needs and requirements of the United States in each of
these states.
The MUORAsS make available to the United States
certain defense sites and facilities for its use in the FAS and
detail the operating rights that may be exercised in the use of
Such areas.

The SOFA is a multilateral agreement which defines the rights
and obligations of United States Armed Forces and their personnel
in the FAS.
Specifically, the SOFA defines the personnel afforded
the protections under the SOFA and addresses such issues as entry
and exit requirements, use of contractors and employment of labor,
tax and customs relief, criminal jurisdiction, applicability of
local law, payment of claims, medical and postal services,
telecommunications, and other related matters.
Article III, Defense Treaties and International Security

Section 331.
In keeping with United States responsiblity and
authority for security and defense matters in the FAS, this
section provides that security and defense agreements or treaties
to which the United States is a party, and which have applied to

Select target paragraph3