3.0 Stuty of thormal injury ( pigs)
3,1 Study of time relationships of burn to atom bomb detonation,
53.2 Study of action of vartous components of thermal radiation
ami ionizing rediation in causation of butns,
3,2 Conparntive study of changes in skin due to stam bomb burns
and laboratory flash burns.

4.0 Study of hematologic changes due to atan bomb radiation (large animals)
4.1 Routine homogr-ms on all large aninals
4.2 Study of hemorrhagic tendency in lar sa animals with acute
radiation injury
5.0 Study of distribution of fission oroductss
utilize animals axposed in project °.0.

This study All

5.0 Bilolozical dosinetry: The responce of Tradescantin, Naurosnora,
nice, Aanergillus and corn will be studied to provide 'chackst vith
the pmhysieal dosimetry.
7.0 Study of conetioal effects of atom bamb radiation: This study will
utilize the Nourosporn, Asvergillus and corn exnosed in 6.5; and
will extend previous observations of the same sort.
8.0 Observations of effects of atom bomb deton:tion on local fauna and

fiore by a qualified natur list.


gation: The biological test program is planned to be a cooperative

aativity involving ronvresentatives of the Atomic nergy

Commiasion amd the National Hilitary Isteblichment. The
individual studies will be performed under contract with the
ASG. It is contemplated that all the biolo-ical research
groupd will obtain their animals from the animal colony, and
will share the facilities of the biological lsborntory. Asa
corollary, they should also share in tha cost af the biologie
al teat vrogrem. The decigm of the mijority of the axperiments
ia such that most of the studies on the oxosoed -mterial can

be verformed in the United itates.

Respectfully subutted,

? July 1949,


George V. LaRoy, M. De
Chairman, ad hoe Comittee,

Select target paragraph3