


Ae Objective:

‘7. °

for J ~- Division, LiL

The funiansntal objective of the biological program is to
provide information which can be used in planning effective

madical care for the victimes of atomic warfare, ami for the

vicotins of iniustrial scsctdents in nuclear enercy plants.
Such planning must nmecesanrily depend on radiobdiclocical
stucties which utiliae the unfius radiation of the atomie exploa
fom. A satisfactory Dialogical test procran should provide
data which can permit eveluntion of atom bomb r-diation
injury in terms of the injurious action of roontgen, garma

ani neutron redfationa of ea character that cen be produced
by conventional means in the laboratory, Adequate medical

Dlaming ean not be anticipated util it fs possible to trans

late laboratory comiitions to field conditions with a high
degree of certainty,

B. Programivhich has been approved by the Division of Bialocy and :ied=



icine, Atente Snergy Comiasion, and J-Division, Los Alamos
Sefentifie Laboratory:

This project will provide an sdequate mmber of

or uso at ahot timo.

These animals wild have been born

and seared on Japtan islani, ani should thon be acclimatized to

to the total local enviroment. suitable control studies will be
performed prios to the shots, The response of the animls will
be tested with 250 KV xray after residence in the tropics, The
plan shoulaé provide the following nubers of animals for the testa:

12,000 mice of IAM, strain; 120 Anerican for terrtpp dogs; and
180 Durco *hairless* pics.

fation in
Theas studies will form a basis
OF a ecmperiaon
iologieal response to short~-buraet reiieation from the atom bob with the response to ionizing radiation
delivered at conventional rates.

2.1 Stuty of acute lethality, Liky, ant survivial versus dose
am distance, (all species)

22 Study of histologte changes in tiasues obtained by serial
sacrifice after exposure. (all species}

2,5 Stady of histochemical shanges in tissuos, as in 2.2.
2e% Stuly of chan:es in enzyme systems in tiasues, as in 2,2

2,5 Study of protective agents on LDeyj. (mice)

2e6 Stuty of effect of atom bomb radiation on longevity and
caroinogensis in survivors. (mice)



Select target paragraph3