where he aavs—the article is titled, “ US. E
Return to Bikini Island.”

March ]9 h
on the Sofety of

Wine years ago the U.S. Government told the Bikini Islanders it was safe to

Feturt to their atoll, opoe the site of pociear weapons tests in the Pacific Some of
the islanders went home. But now the government bas found that fi wa. erone

According to teste inst year the groundwater tn Bikini is still too redicactive

for human consumption So are the cocoputs and fruits and vegetables grown

in the still contaminated soll. So the Interior Department bac very quiet)s
asked Congress for $15 million to move the islanders to another bocation.

_ Why are you asking for more moneyif it is safe! Is it safe? Safe
is a relative term, isn't it?
Mr. Dray
Yes.it is. If it was practicable for the people to only eat

outside Tod and maybe have to drink outside water. then wethink

that goes within the Federal standards, and that is the only guideline
we have to go with.
Since that is not a practical solution and we do see a rise in the
cesium in the whole body counting. we believe that they should not

be allowed to eat the foodon the island. and it is probably not a practical situation. Any additional resettlement should be on Encu Island

where they can have their schools and other facilities. That is the
direction they should move and not try to do that on Bikini Island.

Mr. Yates. Should theystay there is the question. Whois exercising

the judgment on whether they should stay there! Haven't the levels

been increasing! Our friend has said they are almost up to the top

of the Federal] standards. If they stay there, won't they go over the

Mtr. Dear. The whole question is, if they were to not eat the locally
son Bikini Island, would the radiation dose from cesium
go dont
Mr. Yares. What will you do, bring in box lunches?

Mr. Dear. That is the impractical part of the solution.

_ Mr. Wixgex If I might speak to this

it brings in the present time period

part of the discussion, because

What is being discussed illus-

trates, as you have pointed out, oneof the difficulties of administration.
Decisions must be
d on available information. Our decisions have
to be based on the information which vou have been given, which I
also have been given, by representatives of the Department of Energy
that Jocal conditions would be safe if ample outside food supplies were
provided for the people on the island. In addition, we provided equip-

ment for fishing in
lagoon. The outside food is sent in on a regular
basis. These food supplies, while not attractive in all respects from the
point of view of the norma! diet, because some USDA preserved foodare included, provide a food standard which is in terms of nutrition

far above the average as far as diet in the Trust Territory is concerned.

Mr. Yarss. What does that meanf You deliver K rations to them!
What kind of food are you
talicng about !
Mr. Wixxzx Dried foods, fresh fruits and vegetables from Ponape,
as varied a Giet as far as protein, starch, carbobydrates is concerned. It
is prepared by nutritionists.


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