Mr. Dru Lidar boow whe they don’t count phowbeibelsmtes Jt may

wes!10n of sitting stil,
Mr. Yatus. Whyis that!

Mr. pe Younc. I am informed by the medical authoritics at Brook-

haven. that the children under 5 are too small to be subjected to the
whole body counts.

Mr. Yates. Why!
Mr. pe Youn. I don't know whether it is the size of the ehikl or

whether the measurement itself night have some effect on the child.
bat the whole body count is not given to children wider 4 vears.

Mr. Yates. Is there an application of some kind of radhatien: in the

test itself?
Mr. Deav. No. sir.
Mr. Yates. Then why don't thes give it tothe children ?
Mr. ve Youno. Dr. Wevzen from )).O.E. is here.
Mr. Deav. This is Dr. Wevzen from our medical group.




Dy Wess bere are to problons One invelves dubse sil for
about 2JOmnutes ) thank that ea prolder wie poe
Sriot= Prooigny gs phe ea htaation Of tne detraeent Jp. pea
Wrated for sunt) perons og ep erreneays 1 ier

oeTT. dates. For ali we know, the children may have been contaminated too?

sir. If they have been drinking the coconut inith.

Mr. Duxcan, What account- for the rather extreme variations. froin

W270 which is within vour limits to 1.180?


Mr. Deiat. Jam at a Joss to answer that. Mr. Dunean. unless the

ioasibility that some of then didn’t cat as many coconuts or drink a-

much coconut milk. There could be some variations of some kind in

their metabolism. T really don’t know.

Mr. Yates. Reeranvhady: ae ,
Mr McCraw. Yee
Thaw, Basically two things account for the



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Various mndwidiuals are eatin.

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MaveBeen bung on the lind longttttreers ent

preent |


emma nd not ppp en woes to pee the yeni, doa vce aten
t fercit tt tae wap Lo at eoyerg! Spee te

“Mr. YATES. Stuutine
win !
Abont 172 Dbeliove, the earliest ones came in about
;4Nh. so somepeople fave been there Gg vers) sete a Vvears, seine have

AetherdL vear or leePhe body bupdens of cosmun tui us a
vfeuion of tue so the jndividue ip iepopulation that hive been
there the longest and hive been eating the hurgest quantities. baste Of

veont Shave the highe-t burdens anlar hrrrrretre testes) alia


ATT Yates. I have the impression that vou told the committee that

‘nN OTT vou suggested to the people on the island they ought not to eat

the food there. but that vou would provide the food from outside
~wrces. If that is true, why did the count nevertheless go up in 1978?
Mr. Drav. We understand that they dy:

‘asn't there sd



Ming you what survey team members repeated


50024 1b


Select target paragraph3