
f vMATPaty
§ = ee We

Where it is not possible to monitor personnel outside of a generel
radiation field, it is recommended that an estimate be made of the degree

at the time of fallout.

In the event there is uncertainty as to the

validity of such an estimate, the assumption will be made that the individual was out-of-doors,

In those areas where the infinity gamma dose

equels or exceeds 10 roentgens, it is recommended that the individual
be advised to tathe and to change clothing.

For personnel being monitored outside the general radiation field
where personnel contamination exists over relatively large areas of the

exposed body (one~half square foot or more):
When the reading of = survey instrument held with the center
of the probe or center of the icnization chanber four inches

sake! =Serieehh erpC fiveEe


from the center of the contaminated area, equals cr exceeds the

values civen in Graph III 4% is recomended that nersonnel
SHALL be advised to bathe and to change clothing.

For personnel being monitcred outside the general radiation field,

where personnel contamination exists over relatively small areas of the

EXFOSED tody (less than one-half a square foot):
The recormended maximum values shall be one-half those given
in Graph III. Monitoring of the head, arms, hands, lower legs,

and feet will be considered as coming under this category.
Washing may be limited only to the contaminated parts, and also
a change of clothing may not be indicated unless the radiation
‘levels exceed those stated below concerning monitoring of exterjor surfaces of clothing.

For personnel being monitored outside the general radiation field,
and the contamination exists over only spots of EXPOSED body (about the

size of a half-dollar or less):

Ee enteaten on
Oe aye

of porsonnel contacination by determining the location of the individusl

Select target paragraph3