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Under the criteria recommended in Criteria II, there would have


been two occasions in the past where personnel would have been requested
to remnin indoors.

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Cnce was at Lincoln Mine following the second deton-

ation of Upsrot-fhnothole where they were so requosted to remiin indoors

In the

case of Riverside Cabins, however, the radiological conditions were not
ascertained until after the fallout had occurred.

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The doss rate reading at Lincoln Mine was 580 mr/hr at H #2,


(population about 15) following the ninth detonation of the same series,

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for two hours snd the other occasion would have been at Riverside Cabins

game: dose in the latter case was 12-15 roentzens.
Porsounel were requested to remain indoors (for about two hours)

following the ninth detonation ef Upshot-Knctholc.

This is less than the

current recomnendations,


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rate reading was 320 mrfhr at H ¢ 4.5 hovrs.

The highest dose





Select target paragraph3