ATReee 2

the radiation levels exceed those stated below concerning moni-

toring of exterior surfaces of clothing.

For personne] being monitored outside the general radiation field
end the contmsnination exists over eny size area on the exterior surface
only cf the clothing;
The recommended values under these conditions will be twice
those given in Graph III. The first recommended action shall
be to resort to such simple acts as brushing off the clothing.

If this action does not reduce the radiation levels to twice

those given in Graph III or less, then personnel shall be
advised to change clothing end vo bathe.

When the genaral contariration of a community is of the degree to
produce an estizated mexizun thecretical infinity camma dose of 20
roentgens or creater, personnel who have been out-of-doors at any time
during the first two days and generally moving around in the arca (as
opponed to such an act es walking only between a building and a vehicle)

shall he advised to brush off the footwear (outdoors), to tathe and to
chanze clotring 2s soon as possible after the final return indoors exch

in acdition, personnel who go out-of-doors for any length of time

during the first two days after such a fallout shall be advised to wash

their hands at least after the final return indoors each day, and more

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frequently, if possibile.

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The recommended msximum values shall be one-fifth those given
in Graph III, Washing may be limited only to the contaminated
parts, and also a change of clothing may not be indicated unless


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Select target paragraph3