Muller at the ft is almost $1.9 million — in checks. with the latest Kwajalein payments in the bag. Majuro airport Wednesday Vincent It's in the bag Volume 14, Number 56 . Law Marshall Islands, including tradi- from Marshall Islands Taxa ra = , a Section 3 - Enewetak Cable cable to che people of Bikini, ~ Sy acceptance of other use of these vessels could be hezardous. auch right, title and intereec, the Government of the Marshall United Scares the of Government the harmless hold Telands shall ls, damage and liabilicy associated with such ve from lo and liabilicy damage loss, any ordnance, oi] and cable, including lvaga operations or other sotivity chac that may resulc from the Government of the Marshall Islands or the people of Bikini The cake oF cause to be Cakan concerning such vessels or cable. Government of che Marshall Islands shall transfer, in accordance and vessels such to , title with its consticucional proce Pursuant to Section 234 of che Compact, any rights, title to and interest the Governmenc of che United States may ha aunken vessels and cable situated in the Bikini lagoon ae of the affective date of thia Agreement is transferred to the Govarnment of the Marshall Islands without reimbursement or transfer of Ic 4a understood that unexpended ordnance and ofl remains. funds. Section 2 - Bikini Sunken Vessels and Cable people of Bikini at a time which cannot now be determined. to provide funds for che resettlement of Bikini Aroll by the The Government of che United States reaffirms its commitment Section 1 - Resattlement Resettlement of Bikini Atoll and Conveyance of Propert In respect to Bikini Atoll and Enewetak Ato Article VI The exemptions provided pursuant to Sections 1 end 2 of chis Arcicle are withouc prejudice co any. exemptions otherwise applicable. Sectton 3 - Orher Exemptions and any distribucion of those sums shall not be subject to taxe_ tion by the Government of che Marshall Islands, but, sfter distribution co individuals or other entities, the earnings of such distribuced funda shall not be entitled to che Cax exemption provided in this Section. Section 2 - Exemption AgreeThe sume provided for in Arcicles I and 13 of chia jece to ment, and any earninge derived therefrom, shall not be subdipoliticel its or States Uniced the by taxacion any form of visions to the excent that those sums and any earnings derived States. United the in therefrom remain intact in an institucion Distribution of those sums and any earnings derived therefrom to individuals or other encicies shall not be a tranaaction taxable by the Covernmenct of the United Scates, but, after distribution, the earnings of such distribured funds shall not be entitled to the cax exemption provided in chis Section. tion from Tax Provisions Article V or incernational law, to che laws of the Uniced States, tional lew, Co incernational law and, in the absence of domestic reference to the laws of che In determining sny legal issue, the Claims Tribunal may have Section 3 - Governt Espousal Article X XI Article XIIL Administrative Provisions . , @---8-- ane -@. (b) The Government of the Marshall Islands may, from tine to time, request from che Government of the United Scaces saetetance of an advisory nature with respect ta che implementation of thie Agreement, including the investment of che Fund in inacrumente of che Governnmenc of the United States and tne establishSuch advisory assis~ment and operation of che Cleims Tribunal. tance shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of (a) The Government of the United States and the Government of the Marshall Islands shall consuic ac the request of either of them on macters relacing to the provisions of this Agreement. Section 3 - Consultsetion tation of this Agreement in accordance with tte terme. procedures wich the provisions of this Agreement and che implemen- Necessary steps, of a general or patticular character, to ensure the conformity of its laws, regulations and administrative The Government of che Marshall Ielands shell cake all Section 2 - Implenentacion This Agreement shall come into effect simultaneously with the Compace in accordance with Section 177 of che Compact. Section 1 - Effective Date \ shell be cerminated. No courc of the United Scares shall have jurisdiction to entertain such claims, and any such claims pending in che courts of the United States shall be diam All claims described in Arcicles XK and XI of this Agreement United Scates Courts Article XIL actions or proceedings which may hereafter be erted or brought by or on behalf of che Covernment of che Marshall Islands, ics citizens and nationals, in any court or other judicial forum based on, acising out of or in any way related co the Nuclear Testing Program. The amount of such indemnification shall not, in che aggregate, exceed $150 million, and the Government of the Marshall Islands ahall use or cause the Fund, or other sums available co ic, to be used as necessary CoO cover or satiafy the indemificacton set forth in thie Arcicle. from all claims set forch in Article Xofthis Agreement, and all Marshall Islands, on behalf of icself and ite citizens and nationsle, shall indemnify and hold harmless the United States, ite agente, employees, contractors and citizens and nationals, of the amounte eet forth in chis Agreement, the Government of the Subject to Article IX, and in consideration for the psymenc Indemnity Arcicle The Government of the Marshall Islands shall terminate any legal proceedings in the courts of the Marshall Islands againet the Uniced States, ite agents, employees, contractors and citizens and nacionals, involving claims of the Government, citizens and nationals of che Marshall Islands, arising ouc of the Nuclear Testing Program and shall nullify all atcachments o¢ any judgmenca accained relating co such proceedinga Section 2 - Termination of Legal Proceedings in any way related to che Nuclear Testing Program, and of, or are which are against the United Scates, its agents, employees, contractors and citizens and nationals, and of ali claims for equitable or any other relief in connection with such claims including any of those claimsa which may be pending or which may be filed in any courc or other judicial or administrative forum, including the courts of the Marshall Islands and che courts of the United States and ics political subdivisions. Thie Agreement constitutes che full setclemenc of all of the Government, citizens and present and future, claims, past, nationals of che Marshall Ielandsa which are based upon, arise out Seccion 1 - Full Settlement of All Claims Friday, July 15, 1983 account the validity of the claim, any prior compensation made as a result of such claim and such ocher factors as it may deen Costs of proceedings before the Claims Tribunal appropriate. shall be a charge on Annual Proceeds, subject co determination of the Claims Tribunal, the laws of che Marshall Islands and distribucions made under Sections L chrough 6 of Arcicle I1l.of chis Such costs shall also include the cost of defending Agreement. the Fund. From page 6 177 continued © MARSHALL ISLANDS JOURNAL oe ee ne ee ON en re a ee