ae \ ne, Bar” oer i oh re oy Satscee = 34 AS a Aane poe PAY mie : The Government of the Marshall Is] ande, prior cto th (a) firec anniversary of the effective date of ¢ hie Agreemenc, eacablish a Claims Tribunal, in accordance with its constituThe Cl aims Tribunal shall tlonal processes and this Agreement. have jurisdiction to render final determination upon all claims past, presenc and fucure, of the Governmenc, citizens and nationals of the Marshall Islands which are based on, arise out of, or are in any way related to the Nuclear Testing Progran, disputes arising from distributions under Ar Cicles Il and Ill of This section confers in the Clains Tribunal no chis Agreement. jurisdiction over the United Scaces, its age nts, employees, conceactors, citizens or nationals with resp ect to claims of t Government, citizens or nationals of che Mar shell Islands arisi ouc of the Nucleer Testing Program. Section 1 - Establishment and Operation of t he Claims Tribunal In furtherance of the desire of che Gov eromenc of che Marshall Islands to provide an additional long-cerm means for compensating claima resulting from the Nucle ar Testing Progra Claims Adjudication Proces Article IV payments and the amounts received, and state the amounts disbursed for every other purpose. shall include a list of che names of all individuals receiving From page 5 ‘ Friday, Juty 15, 1983 ~ SDA WVionday © start at VBS to. > wits ts s te ea Te Director, says that also, Soboys andgirls,if “all boys and girls, regardless of what ‘school or church they go to, are invited to came.” She also invites parents to come to, for they will enjoy it VBS is free to all boys andgirls ages 4 to 13, here on Majuro. VBS will start on Moday, July 18, and will be held every morning next week, from 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon at the Seventh-day Adventist auditorium. Kathleen Wilson, the Bible School (VBS). VBS Next week, boys and girls here on Majuro will be ‘able to look forward to a new, different type of The compens ation of a Claims Tribunal member shall-noc (g) It is a at SDA, school be chanyed during his term of office. that will not have a school and Cos ze of the Claims Adjudication Process Section 2 lot of boring subjects and In making any ow ard , the Claims Tribunal shall take rnco Instead, it will homework. Continued page 8 of fun things, plenty have ¥ such as singing, stories, arts and crafts, recess, refreshments, and most imsake vee portantly, it will give boys be bees PNB ae re + a ieee poet girls a chance to learn and Spgs ageahh eiee more about their Bible and more about Jesus. What type of school is this? We call it Vacation (e) A member of the Claims Tribunal may be removed from office only pursuant to proc edures adopted by the Government of the Marsha} nds in acc ordance with its constitutional processes and only on the ground of clear failure or inability faithfully co disch arge the duties of such office or for the commission of treason bribery, or ocher high crimes or abuses inconsistent with t he authority of his office. e Cluims Tribunal shall ‘cake pare in che (f) tio member of as to which he has a conflicc of interese or decision of conf lice of interest. the appearance of (d) Members of the Claims Tribunal shall be persons qualified by education experience and character to dischurpe judihold office during good behavior for a set cial of fice, term ot at least hree years, and shall be appojnted pursuant to procedures adopted by the Government of the Marshu)! Islands in constitutional processes. accordance wit other processes (ce) The Claim s Trib unal shall have power to issue writs wid ake cul es and orders and promulgate other procedural regulation s. nor inconsistent with che laws of che Such Marshall Islands and this Agreement, as may be required je che authority to make orders for the atctenpower shall orders make to and documents, without ot with es dance of witness for the disposal of exhibics Tae he exercise of acs purasdrer ion. the Claims Tribung) (>) . shall be independe ne of th e legis ative and executive powers of the Government of che Marshall Islands. MARSHALLISLANDS JOURNAL | Volume 14, Number 56 _ 177 continued ' Page 6 1