— up ‘to $3.25 mi1ll.on for In the event that Annual Proceeds are not suffi:ienct to . (c) Commencing on the fifteenth anniversary of the effec- ‘ tive dece of this Agreement, not less chan 75 percent of Annual Proceeds shall be available for disbursement in whole or parcial . paymenc of monetary awards made by the Claims Tribunal. (b) All monetary awards made by the Claims Tribunal pursuant to Article IV of chis Agreement shall be paid on an annual pro-rata basis from available funds until all such awards are If, in any year, che annus) amounc. made avilable paid in full. pursuant co subsection 6fc of this Article is not exhausted, the amount nat required for that year shall remain in the Fund and shall be made available for disbursement in payment of monetary awards made by the Claime Tribunal in subsequent years. difference. annual basie to supplement Annual Proceeds in the emount of the meet Che disburaement schedules set forth in Seccions 1 trough 6 of this Arcicle, disbursements shall be made from the Fun! on a (a) Section 7? - Ocher Disbursements Becton1Ceherpissursesente che 12-year period commencing on the third anniversery of che effective date of this Agreement. thie Agreement, and in annual amounts of (c) $45.75 million to be made available to the Claina Tribunal aa necessary for whole or partial payment of mon:tary awards by the Claims Tribunel pursuant to Article IV of this Agreement, to be disbursed in annua) amounts of up to §$2.:5 y million for the 3-year period commencing on the effective date of Agteemenc. (b) $500,000 annually to the Claims Tribunal during che cera of its existence for its operation, co be disbursed in quarterly amounts of $125,000 commencing one calendar quater afcer the first anniversary of the effective dete of this (a) $500,000 to the Government of the Marehall Islands to provide for che establishment of the Claims Tribunal, co > disbursed prior co the first anniversary of the effective date of this Agreemenc. Section 6 - Claims Adjudication Funds $22 5 million co the Ucrik Diacribution Authority referred to in Article Ill of this Agreement, in payment of clains arising ouc of che Nuclear Testing Program for loas or damage to property and person of the people of Urrik, co be disbursed in quarterly amounts of $375,040 for che 15-year period commencing one calender quarter after the effective dace of this Agreemenc, and which shall be distributed, placed in crust or otherwise invested as the Ucrak Distribution Auchoricy may determine consistent with this Agreement. Section 9 - People of Ucrik 937.5 million co the Rongelap Diseribution Authority referred co tn Article 111 of chis Agreement, in payment of Claims arising out of che Nuclear Testing Program for loss or damu,,c Co property and person of the people of Rongelap, to be disbursed 1a quarterly amounts of $625,000 for the 15-year period coumencing one culendar quarcer after che effective date of this — Agccement, and which shall be distributed, placed {n trust or otherwise invesced as the Kongelap Distribution Authority may determine conutstent with chis Agreement. dection 4 - Peaple of Rongela From page 4 177 continued MARSHALL ISLANDS JOURNAL The understandings reached shall, in consultacion with Each distribucion authority shell, for purposes of ° Howauan Pour Muls, ine 703 N Numuilz Hwy Hototw. “awa 96617 Prone. G08; nos SOLE Telex - 7238366 nee Guam Office Agana, Gucm 96910 Serving Hawa. Asia and the Pacilic. # Flour and Mixes a Bakery Supply m Food Service HEM CONTROL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Run Conn CNN Camara Continuedpage 6 notification co the public and sll interested parties regardin, ice determinacion and accions, deposit with the Claims Tribuna an accounting of ite annual ‘disbursements, within 120 days after Such accounting the and of each Marahall Islands fiscal yaer. (c) (b) A Gietribution authority may assign ita right co receive sums provided under this Agreement, provided chet the assignment fe coneiastenc with this Agreement and provided that the the discribution authority indeanifies and holds heral Fund Manager, che Covernment of the Marshall Lslands end the Government of che United Scates for any cleims arising from the assignment. Islands, and this Agreement. Marshell Islands, the Constitucion of the Republic of the Mareheli (a) Distribution, investment and other expenditure of Annual Proceeds by a distribution authority shall be made in accordance with customary law and traditional practice of the Section 3 - Disbursements and Recordation The Claims Tribunal may, from cime to cime, establiah addicjonal discribucion authorities as 1¢ deems appropriete and Necessary Co carfy ouc the intent of this Agreement. Section 2 - Additional Distribution Authorities The local government council for Bikini/Kil1, Enewetek/Ujelang, Rongelap and Ucrik shall be che discribution authority for the people of Bikini, Enewerak, Rongelap and Ucrik, respeccively. Each distribution authoricy shall, as set forth in this Agreement, receive and distribute, invest, or otherwise expend Annual Proceeds. Section 1 - Destgnated Distribucion Authorities Distribution Authorit Arcicle III the Government of the United States, be appended to this AgreeThe establishment of each trusc in menc as Agreed Minutes. accordance with the applicable Agreed Minute is a condition to disbursement of Annual Proceeds by che Fund Manager to the Fespective distribution authorities. Islands. portion of the Annual Proceeds they shall receive under this Each crust shall be designed to provide a perpetual Agreement. source of income for its respective recipients, and shall be developed in consoltation with the Government of the Marshall provide for the establishment of a crust funded with all or a consequences of the Nuclear Testing Program, the people of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Ucrik shall each for their own benefit Section 8 - Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Ucrik Trusts Page 5 Protect Your Heart Volume 14, Number 56 (4) Any Annual Proceeds which are not required for the and subsection disbursements set forth in Sections 1 through 7(b) and 7(c) of this Arcicle shall eicher be made a parc of the Islands for Marshall Fund or be used by che Government of che other programe and services for the people of the Marshall Islands a8 their unique needs and circumstances resulting from the Nuclear Testing Program may require, including continuation of the technical assistance referred co in Section 1 of this Article, che operation of the Claims Tribunal, the survey and analysia of the radiological status of the Marshall Islands, and distributions to local government councils so that they may ascablish and maintain programs and services for their people as their unique needs and circdmstances resulting from the Nuclear Testing Program msy require. Friday, July 15, 1983 —. reaper a ee