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Volume 14, Number 56

obligations under Section 17? of the
the United States shall provide to the
Islands, on the effective date of chis
million to create a fund (the Fund).

The Fund

article L

The Governmenc of the Marshall Islands, in order to



ricultural Maintenance and Radiological

to obtain technical assistance,

on a reimburesble basis,

from che United States Public Health Service and ocher agencts
The Government of the
of che Government of the United States.

these sums

$30 million to che Government of the Marahall Islands, cto
be diabursed in annual amounts of $2 million for the 15-year period
commencing one calendar quarter after che effective date of this
Agreement. The Government of che Marshall Talande shall use

Section 1 ~- Health,

The Fund Manager shall disburse Annual Proceeds in accordance wich Article III of this Agreement and ase follows:

Distribucion of Annual Proceeds

article Il


Republic of che Marshall Telands.

chativable Cruse under the laws of che United States and the

For purposes of taxation only, the truat into which the
placed pursuant co this Article shall ba deemed to be a
Fund ia

the Government of the Marshal Talands shall not permit nor. shall
the Fund Menager make disbureemente from the Fund.

Except as may be otherwise required by chis Agreement
and co schieve its desire to provide a perpetuel means of addresneeds and unique circumatences of che peogle of
aing the
the Marshall Lalands resulting from the Nuclear Tescing Program,

the Fund in inscruments of the Government of the United Srates,

(c) The Fund shall be invested in bonds, notea and other
inecruments of investment grade and of United States nationality,
common ot preferred
including both debt and equity ieaues,
stocks, tioney market funds, certificates of indebcedn
The Government of che United States shell impose
mutual funds.
fo Crensaccion fee or incermediary charge on che investment of

to the designated recipients in the name of “The Republic of the
Marshal) islands Nuclear Claime Fund".

edisbursemencs in accordance with che provisions of this Agreamant

achieve the performance goal of the Fund, shall recein as trustee
and manager of che Fund frond Manager) an Uniced States investnciel experment management company which has demonstrated sub.
dence in the sdminietration of cruste and which hes funds under
The Fund Manager shall make
of $1 billion.
Management in exc

Fund co be invested with the performance gosl of producing for
each year of the existence of the Fund average annual proceeds of
at least $18 million (Annual Proceads) for disbursement in
accordance with this Agreement.

The Governmenc of the Marshall Islands shall cause che





Such technical

rovide its cicizens with

$3 million to'che Governmenc of the Marshell Islands

and wirich shall be diatributed,

placed in trust or


Continued page 5

Otherwise invested as the Enewaectak Distribution Authority may
determine conaiscenc with this Agreement.


claims arising out of the Nuclear Testing Program for loes or
damage to property and person of che people of Enewetak, to be
disbursed in quarterly amounta of sg1b.500 for che 1S-year period
commencing ong calendar quarter efter the effective date of thie

$48.75 million co the Enewetak Discribution Authority
referred co in Article 111 of thie Agreement, in payment of

Section 3} - Paople of Enewetak

$75 million co che Bikini Distribucion Auchoricy referred to
in article III of chie Agreement, in payment of clatua arising
out of che Nuclear Testing Program for losa or damage co property
and person of the people of Bikini, to be disbursed in quarcerty |
amounte of $1.25 million for the 15-year period conmencing one
calendar quarter after che effective date of this Agreement, and
which shall be diaccibuced, placed in crusc or otherwise invesced
aa the Bikini Distribution Authority may determine consiscent
with thie Agreemenc.

Section 2 = People of Bikini


Filed wich the Claims Tribunal referred co in Article IV of this

for the purpose of conducring medical surveillance and radiological monitoring activitiaa, co be disburaed in average annual
amounts of $1 million for the three-year period commencing on che
effective date of this Agreement. The resulta of such medical
surveillance and radiological monitoring activities shell be


(d) At the request of che Government of the Marshall
Talands, che Government of the United Scaces shall provide
technical assiatance, programs and services, on « reimbursable
basis, to continue the planting and agricultural maincenance
program on Enewetak and to continue che food programs of the
ikini people and the Enewetak people for as jong as such cechSuch
nical sssisctance, programs and services may be required.
assistance, prograns and services shal! be obtained in
accordance with Seccion 226 of che Compact, che provisions of the
Federal Programs and Services Agreement and auch separace inplementing agreements as may from cime to time be concluded.

(c} The Government of che Macshall Talands may dedicate any
parc of the annual disbursements specified in chis Section cto che
financing, including matching financing, of other related healthcare and research programe and services of the Governmenc of the
Uniced Scates which are ocherwise available to che Covernmenc of
the Marshall lelands.

health-care programs and servicesyelated to consequences of the:
Nuclear Testing Program.

ermmenc of the Marshall Islands to

(b) Annual disbursemences specified in chia Section are in
addiction to the funds referred co in Sections 211(8)(3), 216(a) (2)
‘and 221(b) of che Compacc, which may also be expended by che Gov~

assistance shall be obtained in accordance with Section 226 of
the Compact, che provisions of the Federal Programs and Services
Agreement and such separate implementing agreemencs as may from
Such technical assiscance shall, ac
cime co time be concluded.
the request of che Covernment of the Marshall Islands, include a
The whole
whole body counter and the training of its operator.
body counter shall be located in a auicable facilicy chosen and
The Technical
supplied by the Government of the Marshall Islands.
assiecance provided for in this subsection may include professional personnel services and dosimetry and biosssay services.

95-134 and United Scaces Public Law 96-205.



tance including

United Scates contractor services to assist che Government of the
Marshall Islands to include, in ice health-care system, healthCare programs and services related co consequences of the Nuclear
Testing Program and contemplaced in United Scates Public Law

Vidted Scaces shell provide such technical a

Friday, July 15, 1983

In furtherance of che desire of the Covernmant of the
Marshall Islands to provide, in perpetuity, a means co address
aac, present and future consequences of the Nuclear Testing

In fulfillmenc of ita
Compact, the Government of
Covarcnmenc of che Marshall
Agreemenc, che sum of $150
Section 2. = Management

Section ] - Creation

From page Lt

177 continued


’ Hinode rice has been the number one choice in the Marshalls
for years. Why?
Because families in the islands
care enough to serve the



Page 4


Select target paragraph3