Compact of Free Association

the Implementation of Section 177 of the




oan yee



Continued page 4

shall Islands in regard to the Nuclear Testing

In recognition of contributions and sacrifices made by the


arshall Telandse to provide for the welfare of
all che people of the Marshall Islands; and che expressed desire
of the Government of the Marshall Islands to create and maintain,
in perpeculcy, a means Co address past, presenc and future consequences of the Nuclear Testing Program, including the resolucion
of resulcanc claims, and

In recognition of dhe authority and responsibilicy of the

In recognition of ‘the authority and responsibilicy of the
rahall Islands to provide medical and health
Government 6 c
care to all of che people of the Marshall Islands , and the
expressed desire of the Government of che Marshall Islands to
include in its integrated, comprehenaive and univérsal medical
health-care syatem, the health-care and surveillance programs and
radiological monitoring activities contemplated in United States
Public Law 95-134 and United States Public Law 96-205;

Tescing Program);

Islands between June 30, 1946, and August 18, 1958 (the Nuclesr

In fulfillment of ‘the rovisions of Section 177 of the
6 progran which thd: GovernCompact relating to the nuclear testing
Horthern Marshall
ment of the United Scacea conducted in ¢

exnment of che Marshall Uslande;

In reaffirmation of the Compact of Free Association (the
atween the Government of the United States and the Gov-

In recognition of the enduring friendship between the United
rica and the Republic of the Marshall Islande;
Statea o

The Government of cha Uniced States and the Government of
the Marshall Islands:


political group under the
leadership of several Niti-

Agreement Between
the Government of the United States and
the Government of che Marshall Islands for


ee ee ee

shalls (VOM), a progressive


the Mayor of the Kwajalein municipal council Alvin Jacklick; the people of
the northwestern Marshall
Islands who have beenaffected by radiation including Senator Jeton Anjaia;
and the Voice of the Mar-

ses LUE


States Congress. Leaders
of the coalition groups
met with legal counsel in
Honolulu and the west
coast to plan a coopera-

the Marshall Islands Gov-.
ernment, and the United

bying in both the Nitijela,
which is the parliament of

is € «pected to involve lob-

The announced campaign


Continued page 9

MAJURO, 12 July — There
was brief ceremony this
afternoon at the airport
pumping station for the
formal turn-over to the
government of the improvements made by Pacific International, Inc. The new
Continued page 11



MAJURO, 13 July — President Amata Kabua told
the 500 participants in the
27th Jjarin Dron Conference Sunday at the Uliga
Protestant Church that the
Compact of Free Association is the best choice
for the Marshall Islands
and he reiterated his full
endorsement of the Compact.
During the Conference's
second day of meeting yesterday, the Conference re-





travelling on tickets
originally provided by Air
Micronesia for an inaug-.
ural flight to a new alr-port in Japan. In Japan
they will be the guests of the Japanese government.

The BEST buys!

Lale page 13

yio kein jiljino rej bedotok. Rev. Harry Rakin,
eo im ear bar jemlok term
in jerbal eo an ilo Buard

bar president an JRD ilo

MAJURO, 13 July — Pres
dent Amata Kabua left this
afternoon for Japan where
he will meet with "high
government officials,"
according to government

= Vw

spokesmen. Kabua will have
MAJURO,13 July — Pre- ‘exploratory! talks about
sident Amata Kabua ear aid projects, possibly
including Japanese injiron lok 500 armij ro rej
volvement in outer island
bed ilo kwelok eo kein
airstrips, they said. One 27 an jfarin Rarik Dron
example might be paving.
Sunday eo ilo Uliga ProKabua will stop over on
testant Church ke Com- Guam for one day. He Is
scheduled to meet with
pact in Free Association
military officials Thurs- ~
eo ej jokelet eo emon taday morning (14 July), and
ta im ear bar kwalok an
later in the day meet with
erre iben Compact eo einGovernor Ricky Bordallo
wot an kar ba elon ien
and have lunch at the
ko mokta lok.
Governor's mansion.
tio ran in kwelok eo kein
The government spokesmen
described the trip as
karuo inne, kwelok in ear
bar kelet Rev. Jude Sam- — 'frugal.' Kabua, Chief
Secretary Oscar deBrum,
son, eo im term in jerbal
and their wives are
eo an ear jemlok, bwe en

will expire in 1985.

Jarin Rarik Dron
conference held —

it is time to act on behalf


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