Phone 3366 Semen Room 214, RREBuilding FOR YOUR Tour AGENCY ee | NSURANCE & MarsHAtcs — in checks. Majuro airport Wednesday with the latest Kwajalei payments in the bag. de is almost $1.9 million ~ ; my Article VII Ucilization of Lands The Norchern Marshall Islands Radiological Survey end The Northern Marshall Islands Radiological survey and eee tee cm meee | loss or dasage to prupercy and persan of Che citizens cf anall Islands, resulcing fr m the Nuclear Testing Progran, rc is discovered eftec the effective date of chi AgrecH nuc and couldnoc Yeanonably have tuch fajurtes were been identified as of che effective date of this Agreement, and if auch injuries render the provisions of this Agreenenct maniflestly inadequate, the Government of che Marshall lelands may request cthac che Cavernmenct of the United States provide for such injuries by aubmitting such a request co che Congress of che Ie is understood that Chie United Scates for its consideration. of the United Scates to Arcicle doas noc commit the Congre authorize and appropriate funds. changed Circumstances article IX related environmental studies have been made available to the Government of the Marshall Islands and can be used for the evaluation of the food chain and environment and estimating radiution-related health consequences of residing in the Korthern Marshal, Islands afcer 1978. * (bp) accurately te evaluace and describe radiological conditions in the Marshall Islands, and related environmental studies conduct@d by the Government of the United Scates teprescnt the best effort of that Government (a) The Government of the United Scates has concluded that: Norchern Marshall Islands Radiological Surve Arcicle VIII > — ~~ 7 The Government of the United Sceces is relieved of and has of che Marshall Government the and for, no responsibilicy , shall have Islands, consistenc with ics constitutional proce the utilization of controlling for, and exercise responsibilicy areas in the Marshall Islands affected by the Nuclear Testing Assistance to the Government of the Marshall Islands Program, froa the Government of the United States in respect to the exercise of such responsibility by the Government of the Marshall Islands ia eet forth in full in this Agreemenc. . . title co such cable co the people of Enewetak. damage and liability associaced with such cable from loss, shell transfer, in accordance with its constitutional proce situtated in the Enewetak lagoon as of the effective dace of this Agreement shall vest in che Government of the Marshall Islands without reimbursement or transfer of funds. By ecceptance of such right, title and interest, the Government of the Marshall ~ tha Government of the United Scates Yelands shall hold harmless and interest the Government of che United States any right, title and Pursuant to Section 234 df the Compact, may have to cable Section 3 - Enewetak Cable cable to the people of Bikini. damage and lisbility associated wich such veesels, y ofl and cable, including any loss, damage and liabilic from salvage operations or ocher aotivity chat resulc may that Bikini of people the or the Government of the Marshall’ Talands The take or cause to be caken concerning such vessels or cable, in accordance Government of the Marshall Islands shall transfer, and ls ve such co title , wich ice constitutional proce . . . . . : : / assisc che people of the Marshall Islands Appendix A Compact of Free Association the Implementation of Section 1)7 of the the Government of che Marehall Islands for To benefic and : Commonwealth of Puerco Rico. a corporation or other legal entity which is organized under the laws of the Marshall Islands or the United States or anyof its states or territories, the Districc of Columbia or che . Agreement Between the Government of che United States and (2) a natural person who is a citizen of the Marshall slands or the United Scates, and OAede 83-405 mee ec eer 99-74 95-26 94-367 wemwadne tees . t . e . 96-126 a iecs es Continued page 9 37-300 96-597 96-514 96-205 95-465 classi U.S. Public Law to che following ecatuces. with respect Co consequences of the Nuclear Testing Program, . the Government of Che Uniced Stacee has provided assistance pursuant . . (1) (b) The term “citizens eno nationals" of che Marshall Islands or che United States, as tha case may be, includes: (a) The Definicion of Terws set forth in Arcicle VI of Ticle Four of the Compact is incorporated in this Agreement. Section 6 - Definitions gereinated or otherwise amended by mutual consent. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until Section 5 - Duration of the Governaent of the United States and the Government of che Marshall Islands. This Agreement may be amended at sny rime by mutual consent Section & - Amendment Section 226 of the Compact. wents of che Government of che United States and che eatablis ment and operation of che Claims Tribunsl. Such advisory sssistance shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of tine (>) The Governnent of the Marshall Ialands may, from asaisto time, request from the Government of the United Statestation of implemen Cance of an advisory nature with respect to che Fund in instru~ thie Agreement, including the invescment of the h- Of CNS MOTENGLA ADsmiwe enmes wwreenn we see ena Agreement. them on matters relating Co the provisions of this