
Wd [54

Hinutee-Blemedical Program.



Merch 6 and 7

Survivor Studys —


1.4.1 The late ({.e,. chrentc) effects ef ata boab
rediation should be studied, and conmparlecns sdculd
be cade between euch late effects after expcsure te
ewd-lethel ascunts of Jaboratory reiistica.


mintsel objectives of such a study are: a) the effect
of atcs toad rediation om longevity; b) the treidence
of tumors, ete., im eurvivors;s e)} the incidence of

The ieportant survivers to study are those

exposed to varying ezcunta of radiation less than the

Tt was egreed that for the purposes Af ouch @

gtady, the ani«ela should te placed [tn groupe sicie

coe varied by 100 r feereresta, viz: La.5 to LD. g ir to Dag - 25 ry ete.

It vas asreed tret little

laforration of value could te acticlrpated, reascrably,
in the case of aninsls receiving legs than 200 Fr,

ectinated icsea.

The nusber of aninzalsa vhich should be

aveilatie tn each guch group to yersit an eiequate

of lcagesity, tumcr incidence, ete., wes agreed

te te about S00. The basis for this estimate vas as

aseune a nertal incidence of tums in the

strain of 0.2, snd a minizum incldeme in the irradis,5 BRUNO FRC
ateé curvivers of


To ottain a stemiard error cf

0.02, approximately 900 aninels vould he required.



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Select target paragraph3