
iss Oy

iimutes-Dlozedical Frogras

varech 6 and 7

lethal Sose Study:

tuster of antoals required was discuseed.
has two partes

This provlen

murtber of points desired for constructicn |

of Lb, curre; and uvsber of enteals rer po int.

It was agreed thet it would te dJesiratle to ascere

tain the 1D, in / about 5§. For this strain of aice,

the IDgg with 2 nillicn volt x-ray is ebeut 750 x. Therefore, if the points vere sepurated ty Alstances equivalent

to about 25 r, the requisite degree of eccuracy could be


It was agreed that the nruse exposure ftaticas

in the recion vtere the 59 could se expected, should te
pissed about 25 yr apart.

This cepervtion stould te urd

Letveen estimated 550 rend 00 4, to allcow Por variaticas
in boc’ efficiency.

The clesey and the “arther rtaticns

would te rore widely serereted.

To cover all possible ecae

tingercles, 1% was reccrnended thet 29 ctatloas ehould Le
used in the ranps 20 r to DO r, cntictlated Icaea.


error in estimte of the Losb’s cutput of enerzy vas tare


In the discussion of ober of snisals per station,

it was reccumented that the level of accuracy chould be

65% probability. For this, 30 animals of each sex yer
staticn are required.

It was the wanimous cpinion of tneSAN BRUNO FRC

Comsultenta that little would be gafned ty using larger
punters of enimale for the LO, study.

Therefore, the tctal )

member of gice for the LD, Study ls 1730,

Select target paragraph3