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Minutas-Bloredical Preeccs

arch 6 and J

The atam bomb radiation dose required fur the LO. of this
cpectes cen then 5 © compsred with the doee required wien
letoratory radfations ere wed.
1.1 There vas so discuesion of tha strain of nica to te

used, The selection of LAF, bed been bssed on its extene
sive use in lethal Asse studies at the Betlonal Institute


There was conelderatie Aiscussica of the age-cistribuve

$iem of the animale.

It wee pointed out thet Ideally a

rerrezentative perulation containing ell eses would most
rearly eppreaimate the conditices ef the uz4 of atva

hogs im werfare.

Serger, the eatrapalation frau ice

to pen fe mct Cealratia.

xhet {8 desired le the wcsyariecd

of j~k HEY gacee radiation, with gasses end x-rediation of
energies wreally ued Sa experizentsl medicine.

Sach @

comperiagog vill te ucefaul in evaluating experiscntal

therapy, etc. For this linited goal, it is proper to vors
with a reatricted eze grow.

There is iittiea wriatica ta

the Logg versus age {a mice in the age group 8-10 week to
1 year.

The proposed test conditions specify mice 8-12

weeks cll; Therefore they Vill te setisfectory.


Select target paragraph3