

njyL 254

Mimctes-Bionedical meow AVAILABE& Copy




Cur current container design will accommodate about

200. It ves agreed that 800 wae @ good enough cunter
for the eurvivor study. The wurter of nice required
to accerplish thie, in excess of those to be expored


for the LO, study vas ectinated to te abcut $200. ~~ vere

1.¥.2 The statistical treatment of the date ca the
wurvivors waa discussed, tut there was not ccuplete

Life table type of study and cwrulative

wortality curves were suggested, as vell as several

other theoretical treatnents.

It apreared that this

ratter should be consifered further.


Cperaticnal acpecte:

Ko flrs asreessate Love

Deen mite in tha Biscedical Fregraa for the execution
of the study cf survivers.

It is estfirated that atout

5000 snirals vill survive, ideally. In additica to

thene, ihsre should be ane group (800) of tatreated
controls ef the iene age; and two groupe of treated |

ccatrels, one irradiated with an LD. cose of 250
a¥ x-rays, end ove with scae lover fco7@, say, LO,


LD,o> thie vould mean 40 f 760 = 1160 mice. The

total mice for survival study fs then 52560, or 6000
in rewsd mutters.

it was the consensus of opinicg UNO FR

ttat these enirals should te etuiied in one fnstitutica,

eszecial care being taken to prevent episostie disease,


Select target paragraph3