hymenotdes, and Sttanton hystrix.

Outplanting tests showed that planting of

four winged saltbush (Atriplex canescens) in early spring can be highly suc-

cessful, but irrigation is necessary if long dry periods develop before the
new transplants are firmly rooted.
Protection of the test plots with rabbit-

proof fencing was essential for successful establishment of new seedlings
(Tueller et al., 1974).

If land disturbance equivalent to plowing or scraping is necessary in future
land cleaning on a major scale, agricultural and engineering procedures must

be considered.

Adequate regard for ecosystem stability and maintenance is

necessary to avoid creating new disasters which may take decades or even

hundreds of years to overcome (Wells, 1961).

If land must be disturbed, it is

possible, and even necessary, to stabilize the remaining soil to prevent dust
or water erosion.
Rapid cure (RC) road oil has been used extensively at the
NTIS for soil stabilization and for decontamination (Brown et al., 1964).
Tech foam (Southwest Consultants) is a commercial spray of plastic-type material
which can coat soil particles and prevent erosion.
While both of these materials
can be used, it should be remembered that they will not replace the vegetation
removed from the soil.
Although apparently discouraging, the past decontamination and soil disturbance

experiences in the Great Basin Desert do indicate some tendency for the disturbed

areas to mend slowly by themselves.
Perhaps even more important, however, is
an awareness that these experiences indicate the need for further experimenta-

tion to determine how careful application of agricultural, engineering, and

ecological principles can hasten the recovery process.


In experiments conducted to help ascertain the best procedures for handling of
land areas at the TTR for cleanup and restoration, the following measures

should be utilized or tested further:

Seeding with various species of grass and Atriplex canescens and Eurotta


Fencing for grazing control.


Soil manipulation which could concentrate water.


Stabilization of soil with road oil.


Native animal control.


Partial removal of existing vegetation only.

Monitoring programs must be developed to determine efficiency of cleanup,

magnitude of land erosion, and recovery of the vegetation on the land.


Select target paragraph3