cony of Operations order 1-53, but comment on the order was neither requesved ircem nor offered by tne aM. Annex F, "haval Task Grou Summary of Tasks," of Sperations Order 1-53 states that TG 7.3 (avy Task Group) will "when directed before each shot, vcatrol the significant sector out to 600 miles to detect any surface shipping," There is no sinilar vatrol mission assisned to 7G 7. (Air Task 3roup) in the operations order. HUcwever, it is xnown frem Jenerel — Clarxson's Dost. reports that the danzer area is contimuously patrolled by air ana sea. In addition, tereral Claryvson has reported trat starting two days orior to the evtonation both air and sea patrol and searen actions were intensified witn sarticular emcha- sis being placed upon the sector of predicted cloud travel and fall. oute Vincent 3. Huston Colonel, USAF Acting Director of Military Aoplication Cy Ltr dtd 12/2/47 Representative of U. S. \O C PN AVIEE Ww e eoeeeeee Enclosures: l. Cy Memo fe to Pres. Security Council’ Enels,_ dtd 12/23/h7 Wilson to 010. Cy Mero 12/23/h7 wilson to Air Coordinating Cormittee Cy Memo 12/14/48 McCormick to Wilson w/aporoval noted. Cy Memo 12/15/48 Russell to Armeson Cy Mero 12/15/48 MeCormick to CHO Cy Mem 12/15/48 MeCormick to Air Coordinating Canmnittee Cy Memo for Record 12/31/52 areerberg to files. Cy Ltr dtd 1/5/53 wright, OpNAV to DMA w/Encl. 10. Cy Lir 3/31/53 Boyer to Chief, Navel Operations Xa ° aie ll, Cy Ltr Thomas to Davis dtd 2/5/53 cy + w, erly Fell]-"3 ly! 12, Cy Ltr dtd 4/9/53 core, OpNAV to Gen, Mer, AEC. Cy Ltr dtd 4/28/53 Fields to Chief Naval OQveratio Cy Ltr dtd 5/22/53 Arnstrong to Chief “aval Operations 15, Cy Ltr dtd 4/3/53 Representative of the U. S. es to Sec-Jen,