exoerienced considerable difficulty with wre Bdkini natives who were relocated permanertly on Ujelang, the canger area was not located farther eastward than 166916! which would have included ALlirgnee,. As noted above, exclude it was finaly Gecided to Ailingnae from the danzer area because tne Rorgelap natives depended upon tnat atoll for their subsistence, Even if Ailingnae nad ceen included in the Jarser area, it would not have orevented the recent incicent in wnich it has been re- — ontemiration as a result of thel Idetonation, ‘A lad ky MY FO feet sorted that a Japanese fishing boat located at 11°53! north latitude, 146°55' east longitude wes_exnased to severe radioactive The reported elap exceeded the levels both on Ailingnae to the west of it 4 Ron-erik and Utirik to the east of it, mb: ~ ocation of the Japanese fishing vost lies north east of Ailingnae nd outside the original proposed danger area. Mwuhermore, innation from CJTT-7 indicates that the radiation levels on Sn April 9, 1953, the CNO informed the AEC that the modification of the danger area proposed for the Bikini Atoll was satisfactory to him (Enclosure 12). On Aoril 28, 1953, the CHO wes informed by the AEC (Enclosure 13) that the danger area should camprise the area bounded by themeridians 160°35' = 166916! east longitude and by the varallels 10°15! ~ 12°45! north latitude, July 1, 1953 was established in that same letter as the date when the Ranger area should cecome effective, On ay 22, 153, the 450 informed the CuO of the fact that Sikind had been officially closed by uN action on April 2, 1953, and requested that the CxO take action to include in the danger area the air scace as well as area marked by the boundaries (Enclosure 1h). | the surfac The closed area around Bikini Atoll was established by tné State Departr:ent notification to the UN on April 3, 1953 (Enclosure 15), The danzer area acoroved at the start of CASTLE wes disserninated in the “nited States Hy-rograsnic Office publication, "Notice w> Mariners" No 21, dated May 23, 1953 and was reproduced in corresponding Japanese documents, A similar notice to airmen was issued through ONO channelse The basic document governing opers*ions cf JTF-7 is Overations Order 1-53 tated 20 June 1953. The clan upon which approved by she ¢CS on 14 April 1953, CJUF-7 this i s