power during the surveys.

There is no other power on the island,

The people live a primitive existance and are cut off except for
T.T. ships that come in when enough copra has been accumulated,
which takes about three months,
and examined,

The exposed natives were assembled

The doctors were disturbed to find many were not

taking their daily pills.

schoolteacher, was

charged with the responsibility of making sure they did take the pills.
We verified that Mr,

had received our check reimbursing

him for his out-of-pocket expense for the patients stranded on Ebeye
when they returned from New York.
spot in the jungle.

One patient was in an isolated

He was about 40 and had leprosy.

All his fingers

were gone and most of his feet, otherwise he seemed to be alright.
We boarded the ship and sailed at 3:00 p.m.

The captain had found

out who we were and moved us into cabins, which were a slight improvement,

We arrived off the Island of Ebeye Friday, September 30,

at 8:00 a.m. and crossed the lagoon in a small open life boat to Kwajalein arriving about 9:00 a.m.

The remainder of the day was spent

recuperating from our "experience" and lining up patients for the
next day.

On Saturday, October 1, patients were examined on Ebeye.

This is

the slum of the Pacific where about 3,500 natives are crowded into one



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