
We found the ship in a very filthy and deteriorated condition,

There was a pig and chickens running loose on the deck and their
odor plus the odor of sea-sick passengers permeated the entire

The doctors examined the galley and stated no humanbeing

should be allowed on the ship.

Dr. Rall plans to report the condition

to the Public Health Department in Washington, D. C.

We went to

the commissary and purchased sufficient food (that required no
cooking) for the trip. The captain evidently was not told we had
chartered the ship.

He had the crew in the cabins and we were put

in the paint locker, which had no port holes and was filthy.
were about 10 bunks and no mattresses,


The captain and crew were

natives and we were unable to communicate very well with them,


finally departed at 4:30 p.m., went to Ebeye picked up mattresses,
anda truck, passengers and departed for Rongelap at 6:30 p.m.
passengers slept on the deck,


We arrived at Rongelap at 11:30 a.m.

Thursday, September 29, four hours late after drifting off course
during the night.

We were taken to shore by motor boat.

the AEC RAD-SAFE towers at the far end of the island.

We observed
Two 50 foot

Medical Survey trailers are located in the village at the center of the

One is used for living quarters and one for laboratory and



Both are in good condition.

A generator furnishes

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