room shacks on a few acres of ground.

The people work for the Army

at Kwajalein, about five miles across the lagoon, and are shuttled back
and forth like cattle in landing craft (m boats).

All natives are required

to be off Kwajalein before dark and they are not allowed to buy in Kwajalein.

Food is difficult to obtain and expensive.

This is where the ex-

posed patients must wait for transportation to their home island.

Monday, October 3, the remaining patients were examined and discussions
were held with personnel of Global Associates, the Army and T,T. to
determine support required for the survey of March, 1967.
Granich of Global is the coordinator.


A meeting was held with Colonel

Frank C. Healy, the Commanding Officer, he appeared to be interested
in our program and the AEC in general.

He promised full support in

meeting our requirements,

Tuesday, March 4, we returned to Honolulu via Northwest.
back a Rongelap patient,


in Boston for cancer of the thyroid,

We brought

who previously had surgery
Treatments and examination at

Tripler Hospital were now required to assure complete recovery.


checked the patient into the hospital where she remained until Saturday
October 7,

Dr. Conard and Dr. Rall returned to the mainland, October 5.

After Mrs,

release from the hospital, she was placed under the



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