requested the Commission be informed, if the question of insurance
becomes a contingency in the Consumers proposal, Mr. Roddis -

reported that the first contract negotiating meeting with Yankee

Atomic Electrie Cempany was held February 23.

Alter discussien of” the importance of setting a realistic
maximum chemical processing cest figure in order te encourage
industry participation in ‘the PDRP, Mr. Libby asked that he be
provided with a technical analysis of these costs before the submission of a staff paper on the subject.
At this point Mr. Strauss briefly left the meeting. |
Mir. Roddis then commented on experiments in the aircraft .
reactor program, With regard to the HTRE~-l he said that some
fission product activity had been observed in the reactor's exhaust.
Mr, Libby asked that he be previded with a copy of the technical
report, when it is available, on fission products in the exhaust.
Mr. Libby then pointed out that the findings ef this report would have

a bearing on whether a third type of reactor needed ta be developed,
since i: would affect the practicality of the direct cycle approach,

The Commission discussed with Mr, Roddis other matters
of interest in the reactor development program.

Civilian Application

Mr, Pric~ repozted that at the recent meeting of the
Advisory Committee of State Officials on health and safety
matters, the group had requested that AEC recognize in its

regulations she interest and responsibility of the states in some
of these areas and also that AEC inform them of applications for

projects in their states.

Mr. Price then said that the construction permits for
Consolidated Edison and CommopnwealthEdison wouldprobably

be issued in a few weeks, and shat preliminary discussions had

been held with A. E. Little Company, GeneralElectric and Textron
concerning their plans for a three-core engineering test reactor in

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