Mir. Price also said that the Westinghouse Electric Company
was negotiating with the M allinkrodt Chemical Companyfor the

processing of UR, into oxide for fuel elements for the Belgian
reactor. Although AEC might be able to process this material more
cheaply, he said he had informed Westinghouse that as a matter of
policy, AEC did not wish to compete with private industry.


Mr. Johnson reportedthat about 60 preject connected

scientists, principally from the National Laboratories, would

attend the CERN Conference on high energy physics at Geneve on
June llto 22. The question of attendance at scientific conferences
~in USSR was discussed, and Mr. Johnson remarked that these

requests would be processed threugh the Division of Security in the .
regular manner for foreign travel, and that approval would be on
the basis ef benefit to U.S, atomic energy projects,

Mr. Bishcp then reported on the SHERWOODSteering
Committee meeting in Berkeley. Asa result of work going on at
LASL and Berkeley, Mr. Bishop informed the Commission that
there is now a great deal more in the way of sound experimental
and theoretical information on the important question of the
stability ef a plasma in a magnetic field, and that the outlook is
not as discouraging as it was six months ago, During the discussion
Mr, Libby requested the preparation of a report on possible theories
for unanticipated neutrons observed in controlled thermonuclear
At this point Mr. Strauss briefly left the meeting.

Biology and Medicine

Mr. Boss briefed the Commission on additional plans for

biological experiments at Operation REDWING. He added that

consideration was beinggiven to the question of whether ‘he West
Coad fish monitoring prc3zram should be reactivated. Mr. Lib oy

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Select target paragraph3