agreement in order to obtain fuel for a completely Brazilian financed
power reactor.

Mr, Libby referred to the report that 10,000 pounds of uranium
enriched to five percent U-235 be required for the Belgian reactor.

After a brief discussion, the Commissioners requested a detailed analysis of the use to be made of this material, (See AEC 264/148
subsequently circulated.)

aw Materials

N.r. Johnson reported that at the current rate, foreign U,0g

deliveries during FY 1956 might exceed the 11,350 ton estimate, and appeared that domestic deliveries will approximate the 4500 ton
estimate given to the JCAE,
Mr, Johnson also reported on the British contract with Australia

for the production of 4500 tons of uranium, which would amount to about

$100 niillion, He then said that the Aluminum Company of America was
definitely interested in producing alumina and phosphate from the Florida
leach zone at the ~ate of about 305 tons of U-308 per year, He added

that this materia! would be for sale at competitive prices about 1960,


Constructia and Supply

Mr. Derry zeviewed the status of construciion p-sjects and
commented on other maiters of interest in the AEC co:istruction and

supply program, |

Mr. Straurs requested copies of the APPR
for presentz:ion at the next NSC meeting.

and iWR photographs

Reactor Development

Mr. Roddis reviewed the status of the firet round PDEY contract
negotiations with Consumers Public Power Distri:t and the Power Reactor
Development Compsuy wuich included the Detroit dison Co. Mir. Strauss
- 166 «

Select target paragraph3