mately ‘2000 ft wide. The result is of further

interest becausethére presently exists no deep

water channel on the north side of Bikini Atoll
and the circulation of sea water is confined essentially within the lagoon of the Atoll. The
breaching of the reef near Namu will provide
the possibility of a deep channel, which may be

further deepened by tidal action as the sea water
flows in and out of the lagoon. On the other
hand, there is also the possibility that the crater
will be closed through sand deposition. The result will be interesting, however, because for

the first time in history there is a possibility of
altering a geographical feature by use of a nuclear explosion.
On Operation Castle a number of shots are to

be located on barges several thousand yards
offshore within the lagoon, where the water
depth is about 30 fathoms, or 180 ft. It seems
that no substantial craters will be formed in
the lagoon floor for shots on the order of 1 Mt
unless the bottom is ooze. If the deep hole in

the Mike crater has been correctly attributed to

a local geologic structure, and its shape peculiar to its close proximity to the outer edge of
the reef, then the depths of Fig. 3.6 are applicable, from which the crater depth over soil
itself would be only about 75 ft for shots in the
order of 5 Mt. Because the hydrodynamics are
such a strong function of the relative density
between air and either soil or water at the in-

terface, it would appear reasonable that the
crater “in water” will not extend to a depth
which is greatly different from that in soil.
Since the depth of the lagoon is considerably
beyond the expected depth of the crater in soil,
there is a good probability that no crater at all
will be observed at the lagoon bottom for these
barge shots. In any case, they will be difficult
to measure by sounding; the depth will be comparable or small compared with the height of

the natural water waves in the Bikini lagoon.

1. F. B. Porzel, Soil Pressures and Energy Transfer
on Mike Shot, Los AlamosScientific Laboratory
Report LA-1529, October 1952,



have a crater about 3000 ft in radius. It is proposed to fire it on the reef southwest of Namu
in Bikini where the reef itself is only approxi-

Select target paragraph3