shot. No experimental data are available in the
region of the calculation, but ball and crusher

gauge measurements by the Naval Ordnance
Laboratory ata ground point just beyond the
region of these calculations appear to be in
reasonable agreement with them. Very crude

agreement with the theory was also afforded by

the structural failure of the snap samplers on
Greenhouse. These samplers had been designed
according to the specifications in the theoretical
study and, on Greenhouse Easy shot, successfully withstood the blast, whereas on Greenhouse
George shot, where the reflected pressures

were some ten times greater, the snap samplers
were partially demolished.
The values of pressure, density, and material
velocity and their time variation in the region of
regular reflection beneath the tower were calculated for a 50-kt bomb detonated on a 300-ft
tower. Using a theory of strong shocks with
variable gamma, all pertinent hydrodynamic
variables in the incident wave at the ground were
calculated from Operation Sandstonefireball
measurements. The necessary equations of

state were based on several sources and correlated by material later given in Thermodynamic Properties of Air.’ The corresponding
peak values in the reflected wave were then
calculated, using a treatment of regular reflection theory, which was reformulated to permit
treatment of variable gamma. The calculated

peak values for reflected pressure, density, and

material velocity at the shock front furnished
the boundary conditions at the front of the reflected wave for regions close to the ground.

From these conditions, the mass flow behind
the reflected shock was derived; the procedure
is similar to the simpler problem of the freeair wave as in IBM Problem M,but using more
rapid graphical and computational techniques.

Pressure, density, and material velocity were
necessarily carried forward during the integration, and temperatures were also deduced using

the equation of state for high pressures in Ther-

modynamic Properties of Air.’

Figures 1.2 to 1.5 are reproductions of Figs.
4.7 to 4.10 in WT-103, Greenhouse Handbook of
Nuclear Explosions, and give the results of this
calculation, as the time variation of pressure,
density, material velocity, and temperatures,

respectively, for various distances from Ground
Zero. The curves for peak values are also

shown. The early wave form is somewhatdif-

ferent from that of a free-air burst, presumably

because of the reflection process and the large

entropy changes involved. These curves were

prepared and should be regarded primarily as

an exercise in strong shock hydrodynamics but
probably constitute a reasonable estimate for

50 kt on a 300-ft tower. In general, the results

cannot be scaled to different tonnages or different tower heights, except for rough orders of
Intuitively, one might expect the pressuredistance curve to be considerably flatter at

angles within 45° of the bomb because the slant

distance does not change greatly and because, at

low pressures, the pressure multiplication does
not vary greatly as a function of angle. This is

not so in strong shocks for two reasons: First,

the pressure multiplication falls off quite rapidly with increasing angle of incidence. This effect is then aggravated for the tower height and
yield of Greenhouse Easy shot by the influence
of variable gamma; as an example, y = 1.4 gives
@ pressure multiplication of 8 at normal incidence, whereas for y = 1.2 the pressure multiplication is near 12 or 13 at normal incidence.
Figures 1.3 and 1.4 contain the time variation

of density and material velocity, respectively,

and these are shown becausethey arethe parameters involved in the dynamic pressure.

The density falls off ina manner similar to the
manner in which peak pressurefalls off with
distance. The material velocity, of course, is

zero at Ground Zero, increasing rapidly to a
maximum valueat the end of regular reflection.

As a consequence, the dynamic pressure, '/ pu’,

would follow a curve somewhat similar to the

velocity vs distance curve, but this is not of
primary importance becausethe flow is parallel to the ground. As such, the material velocity might contribute strongly to a scouring action by removing loose material near the edge

of.the crater, and, if anything, would tend to

fiftten the early crater rather than contribute
to depth at the center.

Figure 1.5 gives the tamperatures on the
ground vs time and is of some further interest
because the peak shock temperatures fall in the

range 5000 to 9000°K. This is a range of tem-

peratures which is favorable to the production

of NO, and probably meansthat soil vaporiza-

tion due to radiative transport is much less

serious than one might supposeat first as a

contributing mechanism for crater formation.

The relative coolness of this layer and, in fact,

the particular temperature range in which it
falls, suggest that, if for no other reason, the

ground surface will be protected from the radia-

Select target paragraph3