tity 1 — (V/V) is not far different from zero,
whereas for strong shocks in air the same quan-

tity is not far different from 1. The density of

air relative to soil is in the order of 1079. At
Eniwetok, the water table comes within a few

feet of the surface, the interstices of soil are
water-filled, and the incompressibility of water
further favers the propagation of shocksin air
over the shock in ground.
The greater area of the air shock is indicated in Fig. 1.1, which follows from similar
considerations involving the shock velocity, and
this area enhances the transfer of energy to the
air by another factor of approximately 2. In
LA-1529 it was shownthat, over a substantial
range of pressures, the relative rate of work of
the ground shock to the air shock was around
0.001; something less than 0.1 per cent of the
energy of the bomb is transferred to the soil and

hence available for crater formation. The situation is somewhat different in very porous soils,

such as at Nevada Test Site. There the soil may
contain 40 per cent air by volume, so the quan-

tity 1 -(V/V,) is not small, but a number more
like 6/10. In this case, the relative rate of work

in soil to air is still proportional to the square
root of the density ratios and is more like a
factor of only 100 to 1 in favor of air over soil.
In the paper on nuclear explosionsin soil, it was
predicted that slightly less than 1 per cent of
the energy could be transferred to the soil and
hence available for crater formation at Nevada
Test Site.
Of course, crater formation is not likely to be
a uniform or reproducible process in any real

soil because of marked inhomogeneity in compressibility as well as in density, which is due
in turn to pockets of air or water, rock formations, or differences in particle sizes. At the
outset, the most one can hope for is a general

description which suits the average condition. ©
Local variations in crater size by factors of 2
seem entirely reasonable.


Geologic Structure of the Atoll at

Crater formation at Eniwetok is further beset
by difficulties involving the geologic structure of
the Atoll itself, which was shown by geologic
investigations under the direction of H. K. Stephenson of LASL and Roger Revelle of the
Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

The Atoll rests on a consolidated basalt floor
which is about 4000 ft below sea level. The

overlying 4000 ft are mostly loose, unconsoli-

dated sands or coral but interspersed with large
pockets of water and presumably local stringers
or networks of coral formation. The relatively
loose material is contained on the ocean side by
a sheath of coral rock of varying thickness
which is expected to have numerous weak spots

because of joints and fissures characteristic of
corai formations. The excess density of this
inner material over that of water represents
enormous potential energy by virtue of its ele-

‘vation above the ocean floor. The Atoll is con-

sidered to be ina metastable state but is presently contained by the structural strength of the
coral rock, by rock formations within the sands,
and by internal friction in the sand formation.
The theory of dilation has been appliedto this
geologic structure. The passage of the ground
shock may break up the coral sheath and rock
formation to an unknown extent and disturb the
matrix of sand particles. The theory suggests
that the sand formation will momentarily behave
as a dense liquid after passage of the shock and
flow plastically; the excess hydrostatic pressure

may now breach the weakened sheath, permitting the sand material to flow to lower depths. If
this structural failure occurred at a sufficient
depth, the potential energy released could be-.
come comparable to the energy in the destructive oceanwide tsunami, and, by virtue of this

trigger mechanism, this energy would greatly
exceed the small amount of energy transferred
to the soil from the nuclear explosion.

The purpose of LA-1529 was in good part to
show that a large-scale geologic failure of the

Atoll could not be reasonably expected. On the

other hand, the theory and the geologic structure suggest the possibility that holes or pockets
may occur in or near the crater, which would
be more representative of the geologic struc-

ture than of the nuclear explosion. Near a
structural weakness material could flow through
fissures in the ruptured wall, both because of
the shock pressures and because of gravity.


Hydrodynamic Variables at the Ground
for a Tower Shot

Some estimates of the magnitude of the hydrodynamic variables in the air shock with their
distribution in space are contained in a study by

the author and are reported in the Greenhouse

Handbook of Nuclear Explosions.’ This provides

rough theoretical estimates for the air pressures near Ground Zero of Greenhouse Easy

Select target paragraph3