planning and Programming
- nterlaboratory analyses of fractions (aliquots) from common samp

on the course ofthe analytical program.48.49

survey included debris monitoring primarily for estimating clean

vequirerents the results would not be needed for dose estimates if t
debris was t be removed during cleanup. Debris sampling was carried C

on ten islands which were considered most likely to contain contaminat

debris. The debris sampled was that which was visible and accessible.
One gamma exposurerate was reported for each item.>2 (In the absence
specific guidance, some monitors identified debris as noncontaminat

pile others recorded actual readings no matter how low.)53 Alp

cadiation monitoring was not feasible, as the survey was performed duri

the rainy season.>4

The Enewetak Radiological Survey is reported in a three-volun
document identified as NVO-140, October 1973. The principal portion

Volume I, which describes the survey, summarizes data, and preser

dose estimates based on various combinations of contamination remo\
(cleanup) and lifestyle. Volumes II and III display terrestrial surf
sample analyses at their respective sampling locations on aer
photographs and profile analyses on semilogarithmic plots (concentrati:

ys a function of sample depth). Volume III also contains an attach

envelope of microfiche cards which show concentrations (or upper limi:

ind relative errors for analysis results of all samples processed during t
The dose estimates in NVO-I40 were of fundamental importance,
they established the framework for subsequent cleanup and rehabilitatic
planning. The estimates were designed around six “‘living patterns,” ea
of which included a specific location in the atoll, where ‘‘living’’ allow
for residence, agriculture, fishing, or visiting. The locations considered f
residence were limited to the two largest southern islands (Enewetak a:

Medren), the largest northern island (Enjebi), and Bokombako (Bell

The latter island was included to provide an example which would lead
highest dose estimates, not necessarily to represent an island where peoy
desired to reside. Agricultural locations considered were limited to a gro
of southeast islands, a group of northeast islands, Enjebi, and Bokombak
The entire lagoon was available for fishing, and visits were allowed
vafious groups of islands. Runit was not considered in NVO-140
available for any function for any living pattern.

Dose was estimated for each function at the allowed locations, and th

doses were added to give overall doses for a living pattern. In adding t
doses, components were weighted according to amount of time assum
for each function.
External dose estimates for the various allowed locations we
determined using exposure rates measured by the aerial survey. /


Select target paragraph3