soil Cleanup Op

walls, resulting in cave-ins.. The clamshell proved to be more

undercut the lifting soil and allowing water to drain back into the hole,
izin the spread of contamination. Thetest revealed the need for a
minim! | enclosure as there was a 33 percent increase in the width and
Lone the hole through cave-ins over a 24-hour period. Additional
lengt sations on 15 August and 29 September 1978 confirmed the results

investier tests; i.e., a constant water level 2 feet below the surface and

Ot table excavation walls which fell in on 1:3 to 1:10 slopes, depending on

watet movement.”



During the initial planning, Field Command requested that Pacific

Ocean Division (POD) of the Corps of Engineers submit designs for

excavations, including both open and sheetpile procedures. 41 A design

report was submitted on 15 September 197842 and, in a letter dated 6

October 1978, POD recommended that the JTG proceed to excavate
contaminated material without the use of sheetpiling. The proposed

scheme provided for a series of systematic overlapping trench excavations
since POD suspected that the contaminated material was no more than 6

feet deep within the boundariesof the old tidal pond. POD also believed

chat, even if it were required to go as deep as 18 to 20 feet, the excavation

could be accomplished with available equipment operated by skilled


A meeting was to be held at POD offices in Honolulu on 6, November
1978 to make a final recommendation to DNA on procedures to be used

for removal of contaminated soil and debris from the Aomonburialsite.

The essential decision to be made was whether to select the PODrecommendedprocedureorto place sheet pile aroundall four sides of the

crypt. Also to be considered wasthe alternative to place sheetpiling around
three sides, with the end walls extended to the causeway prior to


This meeting took place on 8 November 1978, attended by
representatives of POD, JTG, H&N-PTD, DOE-Pacific Area Support
Office, DOE-NV, DOE-Germantown, F&S, U.S. Army Support
CommandHawaii, Field Command, and Headquarters DNA.*4 Based on
decisionsat this meeting, the CJTG was given the following guidance:45

a. Start a drilling and core sampling program to determine vertical and
lateral extent of radioactive contamination within the crypt.
b. After completion ofinitial core sampling, begin excavating without
containment about | December 1978 in accordance with operational
concepts developed during the meeting.

Select target paragraph3