

on 15 May1978, Field Commandinstructed the Joint Task Group
nitiate the following actions to implement the decisions made

DM Monroe, Director, Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), at the 4 May

1978 conference:!
Utility (LCU) and one Landing Craft,
a. Convert one Landing Craft,
Mechanized (LCM-8) for bulk haul, and conduct an evaluation test
of the bulk-haul system including radiological control and safety.

p. Begin preparation of plans to excise contaminated material from the
Aomon Crypt.

Proceed with removal of contaminated soil over 80 pico curies per

gram (pCi/g) on Aomon (Sally) Istand. Concurrently, begin soil

cleanup on Enjebi (Janet) Island, commencing with the areas of
highest contamination, and working toward 40 pCi/g maximum
surface contamination.

qd. Prepare a plan for refilling the Pacific Cratering Experimenttest bed.

e. Concurrently with other operations, begin cleanup of contaminated

soil over 160 pCi/g on Runit (Yvonne) Island, using equipment

available at Runit for other activities when not in use on those
f, Segregate contaminated soil into three stockpiles on Runit: One
containing soil excised from areas contaminated to levels over 1,000

pCi/g (based on soil samples); one for soil excised from areasof less

than 1,000 pCi/g (based on soil samples), or from areas with in situ
van (IMP) readings greater than 160 pCi/g; and one containing soil
excised from areas contaminated to lower levels.

As directed in early June 1978, the JTG resumedtesting the bulk-haul

system for transporting contaminatedsoil. The test used the LCM-8 which

had been modified in April 1978. The purpose of the test was to determine

the ability of the modifications to withstand heavy equipment operations,
the degree and extent of watercraft contamination, decontamination
procedures and durations; and radiological safety for personnel and
equipment. In implementing the test, it was imperative that boats be


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