certificate to DNA contain two parts: a description of the radiologica|
condition of each island and a statement of the uses for which it

qualified. !25

The issue of quarantine was raised during the crater containment

discussion. If the contaminated material was sealed in the crater, and the

final in situ survey of Runit showed nohalf-hectare greater than 160 pCi/g,

would DOE recommendthat the quarantinebelifted? Mr. Ray responded

that he did not believe so because the IMP survey of surface
contamination would not be enough. There could be subsurface
contamination such that any digging or farming could be dangerous. If the
quarantine were continued, Mr. Mitchell remarked that he had no doubt
that the people would educate themselves and their children, generation
after generation, not to go there.

Mr. Mitchell indicated that he and the people lookedat the dedication of

Runit to storage of contaminated debris and soil as a contribution by the
people themselves to keeping the cost of the project down. He believed
that this should be a significant factor if the agencies had to request more

moneyfrom Congress. !26

The conferees returned to the Runit question after discussing the

format for DOEcertification. The decision madeearlier to put priority on

cleanup of Enjebi could result in leaving concentrations higher than 400
pCi/g on Runit, Lujor, and Boken. The DNA General Counsel advised
that substantial deviations from the published EIS would require the
preparation of an environmental assessment and, possibly, submission of
a supplement to the EIS. Mr. Mitchell concurred and stated that, if a
decision were made which resulted in the quarantine of an island or

dropping out an island designated for a specific use (because of costs or

other reasons), then the impact would probably have to be assessed.
The Director, DNA stated that, as an internal matter, DNA would
develop and circulate to DOE, DOI, and MLSC an environmental
assessment covering the project modifications at the conference (adoption
of the Bair Committee criteria, cleanup of Enjebi, and possible
quarantines). Based on the comments received, he would decide whether

to file a supplement to the EIS.!27

Mr. Mitchell responded that he would prefer that the Director delay,
within reason, any decisions that would lead to quarantining an island and
rely on good luck or increased funding. He would rather the Director did

not make a decision which would require an EIS supplement. !28

Select target paragraph3