soil Cleanup Planning
The lirst tests consisted of carrying loaded dump trucks on vario
- watercraft. The trucks were loaded at the beach stockpiles usir
of wa ard front loaders. Typical loading time averaged I0 mini

COThe 20-ton truck tended to lose traction in dry sand while th

ton trucks could traverse most dry surfaces. All vehicles reqt

improved surface or ramp on the beaches. A loaded 20-ton dun

was originally estimated as carrying 10 cubic yards ofcontaminated

February 1979, after careful study, a more precise estimate of 8 cut
was established. A 5-ton truck, which used almost as much deck s

the landing craft as a 20-ton truck, was estimated to have a usable

of only 4 cubic yards. This made the 5-ton trucks impractical for di

of soil to Runit and required use of dedicated 20-ton trucks |{

watercraft. As time passed, corrosion and maintenance problems i
the availability of 20-ton trucks, and the water transport operation

neavily constrained. In addition to the normal adverse effect of th

on the 20-ton trucks, the exposure to salt spray during the ov

movement compounded their degradation by rapidly damaging |
and brake systems.

The load capacity of the LCM-8 and the LARC-LX wereidentic

each could carry only one 20-ton truck. However, the LCM-8 n
round trip from the loading point on Bijire (Tilda) to Runit in 82:
while the LARC-LX took I0! minutes. The LCU took 103 minute
round trip, but could deliver six 20-ton trucks per trip (Figure 6

The causeway sections were used with twosections side by sid
io end with the warping tug as the propulsion unit. In this config
known as the Warping Tug Causeway Ferry, four 20-ton trucks
moved; but this method was the slowest in transit time, 143 min
round trip’® (Figure 6-11). A modification to this procedure inco
three causeway sections in combination. Two of the sections wer
end with the third section side by side to the trailing sectic

configuration accommodated eight 20-ton trucks, but the transit |
increased due to the additional drag of the third section. Ag

warping tug was the meansof propulsion. This means of transr
caused the most salt water spray damage to the 20-ton trucks.

During the pilot project, it became obvious to the CJTG that the

factor in soil cleanup operations was boat transportof soil to Runit

6-12). The USAE suggested use of the bulk-haul method, by wt
had been moved to the Enjebi tree farm and aggregate had been
trom Enjebi to Lojwa. The CJTG concurredin a test and, on 6 anc

1978, an LCM-8 was modified by welding quarter-inch-thick ste
uround the welldeck sides and steel strips on the deck to protect tl

during offloading. On 8 April 1978, the LCM-8 was loaded with «

yards of soil and taken to Runit. Transit time was unaffected. Load:

Select target paragraph3